Pheaker Fluff

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Pheaker is currently my OTP, so enjoy!

Philip sighed. He would never be able to confess his feelings to Eacker like his friend Theo kept telling him to. He kept mulling over his problems in the library when he felt a light tap on his right shoulder. He startled, jerked from his thoughts. He looked over at the culprit to find Frances holding 5 books. ¨Can I check these out pleeeeease?¨ She begged.

He sighed. He had forgotten he was supposed to be watching Frances, not just mulling over his problems. He sighed once more and handed her his library card. She squealed and skipped over to the library checkout area. He quietly laughed at his little sisters' antics. He heard a voice say, ¨You're sister is such a cutie¨

He turned around. It was...... Theo!

¨Hi Theo! What are you doing here?¨ He questioned brightly, glad to have some company.

¨I heard a certain cutie was here so....¨ She smirked as she trailed off suggestively. God, Theo is so much like me lmao

¨Who?¨ Philip asked, genuinely puzzled. He then realized what she was getting at, blushed heavily and whisper-shouted ¨Eacker????¨

Her smirk gave it away. She nudged Philip and pointed over to where the previously unnoticed Eacker was flipping through a book. Philip paled. And then blushed. And then started babbling frantically while and amused Theo looked on ¨Is my hair a mess? What do I do? What if he comes over What if what if-¨

¨Calm down Pip. You should go talk to him. Ask him what book he's looking at. Go on.¨ Theo made shooing motions but when he remained unmoved and terrified, the smaller girl dragged him over to Eaker and shoved him closer.

¨Oh hey Philip! I didn't see you there! How are you?¨ The oblivious Eacker inquired. Phillip sighed dreamily, staring into Eacker's chocolate brown eyes. ¨Philip. Philip?? Philip?!?¨ Eacker asked, shaking Philip out of his stupor.

¨Oh uh s-sorry b-bout that. W-what books were you reading?¨ Philip stuttered out.

¨Dark Places by Gillian Flynn,¨ Eacker smoothly responded, ¨What brings you to the library? I don't see you that often here.¨ Side note, I LOVE THE BOOK EACKER MENTIONED.

¨Oh, I'm just bringing my little sis here. She's checking out books. Oh and did Gillian Flynn also write Gone girls?¨ She did.

¨Yeah! I love her books! The characters are so well developed and blah blah blah blah....¨ Eaker kept raving on and on about Gillian Flynn and her various works, Philip content to listen. Phillip then felt a tug on his shirt. He started ¨Wha-!¨

¨Its just me, Frances,¨ Frances calmy stated. ¨I checked out my books and read some. Can you stop making goo-goo eyes at your boyfriend so we can go??¨ Both Eacker and Philip blushed heavily at the insinuation. Frances stood there calmly until she realized neither was moving. She then attempted to drag Philip out but ended up tripping him and they fell over each other. If possible, Philip turned even redder, picked Frances up and dragged her and her books out of the library as quickly as possible, leaving a dumb-struck and confused Eacker behind.

Once they were out of the library Philip put Frances down and she started laughing and rolling on the ground. Philip, used to this treatment from Theo, stood there patiently waiting. When Frances was done, she sputtered out, ¨I have never seen someone more awkward in my life. Is that your crush?¨

¨Is it that obvious Frances?¨ Philip muttered as they stood up and picked up their things.

¨Well yeah, you were almost drooling over him.  By the way, I get to be the flower girl¨ She said, staring up at him with her wide baby blue eyes.  Phillip laughed and they started to plan out the wedding that would never happen as they walked down the sidewalk towards home.

My first oneshot! What do you think? Please tell me any flaws or critique, etc. Thank you so much for reading this! <3 <3!

W/C: 674 

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