*Shorts* Jamilton Fluff

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This is a compilation of a bunch of fun ideas I had but they were too small to fit into a normal chapter.  Comment if you would like e to do more of theses with different characters.  

College au: 

Hamilton was furiously typing on his mac book while sipping, what looked like, his 3rd cup of coffee. On the couch, Jefferson was lounging; reading and sipping his piping hot tea. Madison and Burr stumbled in, looking sleep deprived and poured themselves coffee.  Laurens strolled in, looking refreshed and happy.  

"Cute top." Laurens commented to Hamilton, slightly flirting.  

"Thanks.  His name is Jefferson." Hamilton responded.  


"Hey Hammy! Did it hurt?" Jefferson questioned out of the blue one day.

Hamilton rolled his eyes before replying, "Let me guess, when I fell from heaven.  And don't call me Hammy."

"Nope!" Jefferson said cheerfully, "Did it hurt when you fell for me?"


Hamilton just got his wisdom teeth removed and Jefferson is carrying him in:

"I love you Tommy~!" Hamilton said slurring, still on the pain meds he had been given for the removal of his wisdom teeth.  

It had been 20 minutes since the brief surgery and it seemed as if Jefferson had a permanent blush on his face from the comments he had been given to by Hamilton.  

"Tommy," Hamilton started s Jefferson sat Hamilton down to unlock the door, "Do you love m-me?" His voice quivered as he looked up at Jefferson, tears pooling in his eyes.  

"Of course I do Alex!"Jefferson exclaimed as he bent down and pressed a kiss to Alex's lips. "Now, let's get you in bed.  The meds are making you loopy."


"I hate you!" Hamilton exclaimed as he banged his head against Jefferson's chest.  

"Hey! It's not my fault you're adorably fun sized and perfect for cuddling!" Jefferson said.

Hamilton pouted.  


Hamilton: *Sniffs* Is there something burning?

Jefferson: *Leans seductively against the counter* Just my desire for you baby~

Hamilton: Tommy, the toaster is on fire... 


College au:

The reason why Jefferson learned French because in class, Lafayette and Hamilton would always whisper in French right next to him.  He knew they were talking about him by their stares and occasional gestures, but didn't know what they were saying.  

He learned, became fluent, and realized that it was basically Hamilton ranting about how much he liked him and wished he could get up the courage to ask him out.  

He asked Hamilton out the next day. 

They dated for a while and he found out that Hamilton was proposing because he and Lafayette were discussing it in French.  They didn't know that Jefferson could understand.  

So Jefferson proposed to Hamilton. In French.  


Random girl: Hey~ *Sits next to Jefferson*

Jefferson: *scoots away*

Random girl: I don't bite~ *Smiles seductively*

Hamilton: *Slams hand on table* I do. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope you enjoyed!! Tell me if you would like me to make a full oneshot of any of these!!  Have an awesome day!

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