Burrdosia Fluff

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Hi guys! I'm  actually not dead! I am so sorry that it took me this long to update, I should get one or two more up soon!!  I cannot believe it took me a couple months! Thanks for all the love and support! All that's left is for someone to tag me XD (its never gonna happen) Thank you so much for reading my trash! On to the one-shot! P.S. This is Theodosia sr, Theodosia jr isn't born. 

"Happy Birthday Dear Laff! Happy Birthday, Dear Laff! Happy BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY Dear LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFF!! Happy Birthday TO LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFF!!!!" Cheers and whistles rang out across the gathering of 20 or so drunk college friends after their sad, sad rendition of an off-key 'Happy Birthday'.

Peggy was minding the bar-being the only person who was not completely blackout drunk. She was smiling wickedly at the promise of killer hangovers for everyone else tomorrow. Everyone was laughing and dancing to the music that was playing through Lauren's Mini Bose. 

At around 11:30 Burr drunkenly stated he had an announcement to Peggy who gathered everyone . 

"Well, I have been planning to do this for a while-I just dont have the guts to do it while sober- so here I go! Theodosia... 

When I first laid my eyes upon you at a Christmas party, I knew you were the one.  It might have been the many drinks I had consumed, but the best decision of my life was to go up and horribly flirt with you.  You didn't punch me in the face like some of our friends would've or leave me to regret all of my life decisions .  

When I woke up and remembered that, I was so sure I would never have a chance with you. But what do you know! You asked me out the next day.  I was squealing like a teenage girl with Thomas and James when you left.  

Our first date was to see It.  I hate horror movies but I was so desperate to prove that I was a man, so I braved through it.  Ha! Just kidding! I'm a wimp, so I screamed at the first jump scare.  But instead of making fun of me, you laughed and asked if I wanted to hold your hand.  To be frank, I dont remember the  rest of the date or the movie but I do remember asking if you wanted to go to the cafe down the street sometime next week.  I also remember you giving me your number and pecking me on the cheek when you gave me my phone back.  I was so stunned I dropped my phone. 

We went on many dates and adventures together--2 and a half years of them.  Some were hilarious fails like the time we went on a picnic and I forgot to check the weather; some were romantic, like the visit to the Eiffel Tower when we were in France. 

A couple months ago, I was browsing for a necklace when I stumbled onto the ring section.  On ring caught my eye.  It was a square cut diamond with a silver band.  It was understated, chic, within my budget, and seemed perfect. I knew then what I wanted to do. 

I wanna marry you because you're the first person I wanna look at when I wake up in the morning and the only one I wanna kiss goodnight. Because the first time that I saw these hands, I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them. But mainly when you love someone as much as I love you, getting married is the only thing left to do, so..."

Aaron noticed that Peggy was recording the whole spiel and Lafayette and Alex were jumping up and down squealing.  He took a deep breath and walked up to Theodosia, got down on one knee and said, 

"......Will you marry me?"

Tears streaming down her face, she choked out an emotional yes.  Aaron smiled broadly before dipping and kissing her.  

Angelica wolf whistled and cried out, "A toast to the newly engaged couple!" Everyone drunkenly clapped and congratulated the couple on their engagement.  The couple soon left, giddy and elated, ready to take on the world.  And still really drunk. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Thank you guys so much for reading my one shots! I hope you enjoyed! Comment what you guys think of the new title picture!  Have an amazing day! <3 <3!!

W/C: 757

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