Marliza Fluff

196 6 6

Thank you guys, gals and non-binary pals for all the votes and views!!! It means a lot to me, even if the numbers are not even that big. I found a new drawing app, so this will probably be the last hand-drawn title. I will still add drawings if people request but yeah. Hope you guys enjoy!

Eliza immediately knew something was wrong when she picked up the phone and heard Maria sobbing and whimpering in pain. She had been daydreaming about random things like baking and Alex and her ships with Peggy.

Her thoughts were then interrupted by her phone ringing in a pattern she knew very well. It was the pattern that buzzed when Maria, her crush called.

She immediately picked it up and answered, mentally cursing herself for her desperation. However, all of her thoughts screeched to a halt and her blood when she heard how broken Maria sounded

"I-i c-cant hic do t-this hic anymore" Maria sobbed over the phone.

Understandingly, Eliza replied, ¨I know you're scared but this is the worst I've heard. You need to break up with him. You can stay with me!¨

"I-i know. That's hic why I called you. I-i have a p-plan b-but I need your help."

"Okay. Tell me what it is."

Over the phone, Maria told Eliza about her plan. Excitedly Eliza agreed to the plan and said she would do her part.

"Bye Liz!" Maria said and hung up.

"Love you." Eliza softly said to the phone.

She shook her heads from her thoughts and set out on texting all of her friends.

--------------------------------Liza<3 has created a group chat------------------------------------------

Liza<3: Guys, we are all going to the karaoke place on Oak Ave.(Not a real place) Friday at 5:30 whether you like it or not. 

Hammy101: May I ask why?

Turtles&John: Yeah why?

Liza<3: Maria finally got up the courage to dump James Reynolds' ass

WerkisUNSATISFIED: Yay! Go, Maria!

AnDpEGgY: So what is the plan?

Liza<3: Idk, that is all she told me.

Liza<3: So is everyone in?

Lafthebaguette: Um yeah! This is awesome.

Macaroni_4_life: You just said we have no choice tho.

Liza<3: I give you the idea that you have a choice in order to be nice, but in reality, you don't.

Macaroni_4_life: Okaaaaaayyyyy

Liza<3: So is everyone in?

Hammy101: yes

Turtles&John: yah


AnDpEGgY: Obviously, this is a chance to see my favorite ship in action.

Lafthebaguette: Yeah! Thomas and Angelica already have a $20 bet.

Liza<3: What.

AnDpEGgY: Noooooothing

Liza<3: Okayyyyy.

Macaroni_4_life: I'm in if jemmy is going.

*Jemmy*: Why Thomas. But yeah, I am going.  And why is my un *Jemmy*????? 

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