Kingbury Angst

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Trigger warning: Domestic abuse alert as well as alluded rape. If you are not comfortable with this, please just skip this one shot.

"I-I'm s-sor-ry y-your M-majesty-y.  H-he I-i" Samuel whimpered while King George dug a knife into his side. He knew that to was punishment and that King was only doing it because he loved him, but sometimes...

"Mistakes are not allowed Sammy~" King eerily said as he started twisting the knife. 

Samuel cried out. King took the knife out only to stab Samuel again. 

 "You cannot keep losing to that bastard Hamilton, okay my love~" King kept saying as the gruesome punishment kept going on. 

"O-of c-course y-your M-m-majes-stey" Samuel hissed out through the pain. 

King finally decided that it was enough punishment as he eased the knife out from Samuel's thigh.  He cleaned the knife off with a bloody rag as he observed his work.  

Samuel was chained to the wall, passed out; King pouted at that observation.  He purveyed what he had carved into Samuel's skin.  It was a cursive MINE.  It was ragged and had had one or two puncture wounds nearby from earlier in the punishment.

It was leaking blood and hazily, through the pleasure, King thought he should probably clean Samuel.  It was his least favorite part, but he had to keep his love alive. 

He looked around for the spare first aid kit he kept around. He found it and sauntered over to it.  He opened it and found the antiseptic wipes.  He walked back over to his chained up Sammy, and noticed that Sammy was waking up. 

"I-is it-t o-over?" Samuel groggily and shakily asked.  He whimpered when King kicked him.

"You don't get to ask that~" King hissed, "But yes my love, it's over~" Sammy let out a small sigh of relief. 

He sucked in a sharp breath when King started to wipe him down.  Time dragged on and King thoroughly fixed up Sammy.  

He unchained Sammy and said, "Clean up doll and then meet me in my bedroom~" 

King left and Samuel broke down. He couldn't do this anymore.  He knew what King was going to do to him.  He thought of his best friend Lee.  He wondered if Lee would ever do this to him and if he could ever help him escape. 

Escape??? What was he thinking King loved him! But did people who loved each other do this Samuel wondered.  He looked down at his body.  It was mottled with bruises and he has scar after scar all over. He wondered if Lee would still like him if he knew about this.  

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts.  King loved him and he'd better hurry if he didn't want King getting mad.  

He gathered some things and he turned on the shower.  He let it warm up before he stepped in.  He let the warm water cascade over him as he shampooed his hair. He stood there for a few seconds before rinsing off and turning the shower off. He dried off, put clothes on and walked to King's room. He hesitated before knocking.  

He heard King call out, "Enter~!" He cringed and steeled himself.  He entered Kings room.  It was the stuff of nightmares.

It had a push red carpet and matching carpeting.  The bed was stuffed and overflowing with white and gold blankets and pillows.  The furniture was coordinated with the same red, gold and white colour scheme.  The sinister part about the room was the whips, chains, maces and knives gleaming menacingly from the walls.  He gulped when he saw King lounging on a love seat. 

"Strip~" King ordered. Samuel obeyed and stood there shivering.  

"Bed now~" King spat out, clearly annoyed that Sammy took so long in the shower. Samuel complied before mentally separating himself from his body. 

When it was over, he left and locked himself into his room. He broke down sobbing. Why me? He asked himself over and over and over. He kept sobbing and whimpering until he fell into a blessedly dreamless sleep.

Oh my god.  What did I write? If you liked this, check out Ronnie (Aaron Burr fic) @ninjentsie   I hope you are sobbing like me when I wrote this. 

 As always, thank you so much for reading! ❤️❤️❤️

W/C: 716

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