alone together

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It was a little while in the afternoon. I was sitting at the window sill while Jimin and Jungkook conversed over who knew what. Jihyun was over to the side messing with his hair. I wanted to start talking to him but I wasn't taking my chances at all. I kept looking out of the window watching all of the people go back and forth. I was starting to get bored really fast. Someone started to stroke my hair making me look backwards.

"Oh hello. I didn't think you would look back at all. But it's nice to know I exist in your eyes," I giggle.

"Well maybe my eyes are messed up and I thought you were Jimin so how do you know?" He smiles kissing my cheek. I'm sure they turned themselves red without my intent but that was perfectly fine.

"You look at me directly when I talk to you so your eyes couldn't be messed up. Even if they were they would be as beautiful as always," I chuckled smacking his chest lightly trying to back him up yet it only makes him come closer to me.

"Why are you so close to me?" I chuckle pinning myself against the window.

"It's just something I do. I get closer to people I like,"

"Well don't you think you're getting a little to close?"

"No not at all.... Do you?"

"No I don't think you're close enough," I sarcastically say to him.

"Oh," he pins me against the window and smiles.

"Is this close enough?" I snort and nod as he gets practically thrown off of me.

"Stay away from her Jihyun. She doesn't need you,"

"Wait Jimin there's just a few more things I need to talk to you about. It's gonna be really quick just these few more things and you'll be set," he nods kissing my cheek.

"I'll be really quick just wait a little longer your majesty,"

"Keep me waiting more than you say and I'll have you killed at dawn," he chuckles pecking my lips than running back to Jungkook. I roll my eyes and go back to staring out of the window as I was left alone again. I look at my reflection in the window and a new face appears putting a smile on mine.

"So what if he's my big brother that doesn't mean anything to me of course, why would I have to worry about his warning and what he says. It doesn't matter to me. But you do," I look at him and lay my head on his chest.

"W-why did you do those things. Why were you so mean before now?"

"I don't know. I was under my parents influence and I just sort of went with it in so sorry," I hugged him tightly with a feeling I yearned for. He hugs me back picking me up and taking me out of the room walking somewhere without Jimin lifting a single finger to even stop him. I didn't care anymore. I know Jimin still cared about me he just wasn't paying attention to me at the moment when I really wanted it.

"Where are you taking me oppa?"

"Oh, I like that nickname very much. Anyways there is a crystal pool here and let's just hope I remember where because I don't want to get us lost. Well I wouldn't mind being lost with you because there's no wrong when it comes to getting lost with someone you love," my head jerks up and I look at him I total disbelief.

"Wait what? You.... You love me?" He nods continuing to walk down the hallway.

"Who in the world wouldn't love you?" I giggle and lay back against his chest, the setting of the castle faded into multiple crystals. Even the ground turned to crystal.

"You weren't kidding when you said there was a crystal pool where you?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?" I look over and watch as the the room glimmers. It was filled with all different types crystals in all different colors. Not even the shadows of the day could dim the light of this room down. He slowly let's me down and I stand up looking at the glimmering water.

"Wow... This place is so cool!" I smile and hear fast paced footsteps behind me as he jumps into the pool. I scream getting splashed by the cold water and giggle while he resurfaces.

"Care to join me malady?" I smiled at him

"Why I wouldn't mind doing so," I smile taking off my shirt leaving me in a tank top and shorts. I grab his hand and he pulls me into the pool making me scream again.

Jimin's P.O.V
I hear a scream from down the hallway and I sharply turn my head in that direction. Jungkook just keeps explaining how he wants to connect our kingdoms but I wasn't paying attention to it at all.

"Did you hear that? Where's y/n and Jihyun!? They aren't here anymore!"

"You didn't see them walk out? it was sort of hard to miss considering he was carrying her," my jaw drops and I attempt to run but he grabs my hand pulling back towards him. I fall onto his chest and he laughs.

"Let me go! I need to get her now!"

"She's only screamed once so he probably just Jumped into the water with her," there was another scream and we both ran for it.

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