friend of a stranger I never knew

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"JI-!" Was all I managed to get out before my mouth had been covered and I had been thrown off of the horse and down a hill. I rolled and kept rolling feeling my face being cut up. I tried to grab something but there was nothing to grab and I ended up falling straight down off of some type of cliff. I screamed loudly as I fell hitting the bottom with a loud thud. The world went black as the wind had also been knocked out of me along with my consciousness.

Yoongi P.O.V
I was walking through the valley. The valley of buffalos. At least their dead bodies. I looked around at the many carcasses the place I could count. The bodies were eaten alive by flies and wolves. I went here a few times a moon cycle. But this time I came across something stunning. There had been a girl who had fallen down the valley. She wore a purple tank top which meant she had to be royalty of some kind. I slowly approach her thinking she's dead.

"Help," she said in a whisper, " someone help," she said letting the whisper escape her lips like a whimper at the same time.

"H-hey? You're alive?" I ask confused. I had thought a fall from that height could have killed something like a human easily. I didn't see why she was still alive if it killed the buffalo in no time at all.

"H-Help... H-H-Help," she whispered again. I walk over to her and stare at her bending down seeing she had multiple scratches all over her. Some were bleeding, some didn't break skin but still puffed up. She reached a hand to me but I backed away from it a little. She lets tears flow as the dam created so long ago starts to crack. That's the only reason this canyon was still here. The dam cracks and water shoots out so I picked up the girl and ran at it. She looks at it and ended up fainting in my arms. She whimpered in my arms still not conscious.

"Hey we are gonna make this. Or else I'm not Min Yoongi," I say still in a full Sprint going down and through the narrow valley path soon reaching the cave I had come in as the dam breaks fully. It washes inside the cave filing it up in about no time. I keep running and make it out to the last path I had let my horse graze to the side of. I jump onto him and kick him on. He speeds off still bearing a smooth ride. I used my hands to care for the girl letting her rest in my arms. I felt around her seeing that her skull was okay. It wasn't broken but she most likely had a concussion. I felt her chest and her ribs were all snapped or cracked. I moved them back in place not able to do much more then to provide that help. I feel her arm that she hadn't reached out to me and it was snapped in half. I set that in place and take out a stone brace I kept in my satchel for emergencies.

"T-Tae," she whispered in a sleepy voice struggling to breath. I click the stone brace around her arm and rub her front side with my special seeping healer. It seeps into her skin and hopefully to her ribs. I run some on her head and arms. The last of it I rub on her ankle as I had realized it was even worse. I set that back in place to placing another brace on her ankle as we make it back to the kingdom. I make my horse run up the stairs and through the halls of my place than make him stop. He slides a little coming to a complete stop in front of the door to my room. I jump off of him still carrying the girl delicately.

"Thank you juniper. You know your way back, yeah?" He whinies trotting away after I take everything off of him. I lay her on my bed and she opens her eyes shaking.

"W-where am I?" I look at her shake and place a blanket over her body as the breeze sweeps through,"Why did you touch me?" I watch as her hands cover her upper chests where her breasts were hidden under a tank top.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to violate you like that. I just wanted to numb your pain. If I didn't get up there to it would have still hurt. It was wrong of me to do so anyways but you just make certain sacrifices for the well being of others," She looks over at me not shaking anymore.

"M-m-my head hurts," I nod starting to caress it than walking to one of my drawers opening it and searching through the mess. I find another jar of my rub and take it out pulling my crown out along with. It clangs to the floor and the sound echoed through the room but I pick it up shoving it right back into the drawer where it had come from.

"I'm gonna rub some more of this on your head if that is okay with y-,"

"You're a k-king to?" I nod my head and she nods hers as I walk up to her with the rub showing it to her. She nods as I take some of the goop out of the jar with two fingers rubbing it in her head and neck. She points to her chest and I start to rub it there to. I quickly get the violation part over with than go along with the rest of her body and it disappeared from her skin. She started to shiver again. That was an after affect from it. You got cold. It wasn't to bad though. She hugged herself under the blanket and cried. I layed another blanket over her and handed her a hanky. She wiped her tears still sobbing, I lift her chin so she looks up at me.

"What are you so worried about?" I ask in a calm voice that could have been passed off as a coo. I stroke her hair as she lays her head into my hand feeling it with her own hand. She kept rubbing my hand as it had seemed to comfort her

"I-I wanna go home, I-I wanna get to Jiminie!" She whimpers to me. She couldn't have been talking about prince Jimin. She had been wearing such a rich shade of indigo I would only expect her to be talking about that very person.

"I will help you to find your home. But may I ask who this Jimin character is?" She sniffs and nods wiping her eyes once more.

"H-He's the king of the... The... The... I can't remember the name of the kingdom! Oh no oh no I can't remember!" She sobs into her hands and I rub her back.

"That kingdom's name changes so much I stopped trying too remember the name of it. But don't you mean prince Jimin?"

"No... He's a king now. I may have helped him a little bit but we succeeded. I am technically queen...," I look at her stunned and get out of my chair imidiatly bowing to her as a sign of respect.

"But I do know what you are talking about. I will send him a letter," she shakes her head.

"No he's helping Taehyung with their mishap. I was pushed off of my horse and started rolling down the hill and fell into that valley I guess. Than you saved me," she smiles and I find myself smiling right back at her.

Y/n P.O.V

I smile at him and he smiles back at me. I was to happy to hear he knew what I was talking about.

"Would you like me to take you there right now?... Oh no we can't. We have to keep you here. You have to heal. I will get Jimin over here and send my letter to Taehyung." I nodded as something boomed. It rang across the land right into the castle and Yoongi looks out his window.

"W-what was that?!" I cry hiding under the covers.

"It was a red flare, meaning someone was missing and it's from Taehyung's kingdom. SHOOT THE GREEN FLARE!" He tells and I hear something shot into the air. I scream as it goes off. Yoongi sits down to the side of me and rubs my back.

"W-Why is it so loud?!"

"So they know where it is coming from. Now please get some rest. They will be coming in a day or two. Tae's kingdom is that long away. I will be right here for you." I nod and he rubs my back. Nothing was hurting at all but I was feeling cold still. I shiver some and he lays next to me still rubbing my back. He pecks my cheek and it warms my heart.

"T-Thank you," I whimper closing my eyes.

"You don't deserve to have been left there. But you deserve to be cared for. You don't have to thank me,"

"But I do. I-I guess I'm gonna take a rest now," I sigh and he nods as I close my eyes.

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