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The next day I felt better. I was already cold which had to mean that Jimin has already rubbed the cream on me, which he had. I looked up at him when he was about to run the last little bit on my tail bone. I sat up without any pain at all. He looks at me confused and I stand without any pain. It wasn't hard to walk in my brace but it did look very odd.

"Hey. Get back into bed! I don't want you making your injuries worse!" He whisper yells at me trying not to wake Yoongi and fire who had been sleeping in the room right across from the one I had been relocated into.

"No," I whine and grab a blanket starting to wander. Jimin doesn't have any of it and steps on my blanket making me bounce back. I growl pulling it to try and get it from under his foot but it does no use I let it go and waddle out.

"Y/n! Get back here!" I keep waddling away getting to cold and running back for my blanket. Jimin stops me and picks me up walking back down the hallway taking my blanket then wrapping me in it.

"No I wanna go wander around, I can walk! I don't need you to carry me!" Scolding him was easy especially when all you had to change is how loud your voice was.

"Yes yes I've heard it all before. But you are really warm and cuddly so I'm not gonna let you go no matter how much you want me to let you go. Is there anything you wanna do though?" I shake my head. All I wanted to do right now was go home and enjoy myself there. Yoongi had been very busy the night before making all of the jars of his magic mix. He must have been so worn out.

"Can we at least go check on Yoongi. He was up so late last night making all of that stuff for me," He shakes his head and I grumble pushing myself out of his arms. As fast as I could I walk to his room peaking inside. He was dead asleep with fire nestled into his chest. I smile turning around, I bump into Jimin's chest and look up at him then give a nervous smile while he friend picking me up and walking back to our room.

"You're no fun!" I loudly whine struggling in his arms. He holds me tighter.

"Shush they're sleeping!" He whisper yells at me. I turn my nose up to him not listening to a word he has to offer, "y/n! Knock this off!" Not listening to him I push out of his arms and walk away from him. I stop at the end of the hall crossing my arms

"I don't talk to people who just want to yell at me and tell me mean things," he groans obviously annoyed with me which was such a surprise. I uncrossed my arms looking back at him from the corner of me eye. He just stood there as the sun bathed him in its light.

"Is there something you want? I can get it for you."

"N-N-No. I just wanted to spend some more time with you..."

"Then why do you keep trying to walk away from me? That doesn't make any sense," he coos as his footsteps gain on me until he was close enough to wrap me up in his embrace. I felt the warmth of his embrace cover my back.

"I don't like being pushed around very much. It doesn't really help when you are as hurt as I am. I thought it would be different,"

"How different?" I turn back to him and tried to climb his tall body. He pulled me up wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Cuddles and stuff. Maybe you taking me somewhere, not.... Not get back into bed and you need rest, although I'm not surprised. It was something you would ask from me," I sigh while he changed expressions about a million times over.

"Different. I can do different," I just shrugged not listening to what he was saying. He started smelling my hair making me pull away trying my hardest not to giggle. He pulls me back to him kissing anything and everything on my face.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Being different,"

"I-I.... Please don't take this to far," I stutter trying to get all of the words out of my mouth. He nuzzles his cheek against mine.

"I won't. I can't take it that far anyways you're to delicate," He chuckles planting a giant kiss right back in my neck.

"Maybe I can plan something different today to give you a change of scenery."

"Like where? The back yard cause that's not gonna do me very much good now is it?" He chuckles shaking his head.

"Since your butt isn't bruised then I guess I can technically take you places as long as I'm careful with you!"

"I-I wouldn't risk it,"

"You wouldn't risk a lot of things now would you?" He has me there all I can do is shake my head and look down but he lays his forehead on mine making me looks back at into his eyes.

"B-because I'm weak..."

"No. you're just afraid to lose the things you love. But I know you want to do a few things here before we leave," I nod a little bit as he leads me downstairs to the couch sitting me down.

"Where are we gonna go anyways?"

"That's for you to find out," his gentle smile makes me nod and gives me the patients to wait

Living with a prince (Jimin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now