First Truth or Dare!

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*the zodiacs are napping in the living room*

Spriha: *teleports there* HI EVERYONE!!!

Libra and Scorpio: *scream and cling onto each other for dear life*

Pisces: *in battle position*

Spriha: I really THAT scary?

Cancer: We were sleeping and you screamed! That was scary!

Aquarius: Oh my god! Spriha! Hi!

Spriha: Oh my god! Aquarius! Hi!

Aries: Why are you here, again?

Spriha: I'm here for the first round of...

Gemini: A buffet!

Sagittarius: Oh YAASS I'M SO HUNGRY

Spriha: -_- no. I'm here for the first round of TRUTH OR DARE!!!

Libra: Yay!!

Spriha: Okay, so @ArtemisGreekGeek requested a bunch of truths and dares! They're gonna be so much fun!!!

Cancer: Oh no I hope no one gets hurt...

Spriha: Well then, let's do this! Okay we'll start with the truths.

Virgo: Does everyone have one, or...?

Spriha: No, just some people.

Sagittarius: Whatever, just read the first truth!!

Spriha: Okay, the first truth is for Aries.

Aries: Oh no...

Spriha: He has to say something nice about everyone, including me!

Aries: *shrugs* Eh, that's easy. So...well I'm The Great Aries. Taurus is pretty cool. Gemini is funny, and Cancer and Scorpio are nice. Leo's chill and Virgo speaks her mind. Libra is super friendly. Sagittarius and Aquarius are fun, and Pisces is awesome.

All the zodiacs except Aries: O.O

Cancer: Wow Aries, thanks!

Aries: Yup I know I'm awesome...

Spriha: What about me?!

Aries: Oh,

Spriha: *raises an eyebrow* I'm WAITING

Aries: Well, you don't seem THAT evil...

Spriha: Wow, I'm so honored to not be 'that evil'. Anyway, the second truth is for Cancer. Who's your least favorite out of everyone?

Cancer: Hmmm...well I think it would be Sagittarius because he's pretty annoying and bossy.

Sagittarius: I FEEL OFFENDED!!!

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