Holiday Cheer, Ice Is Here

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I promised y'all a chapter before 2019 ends, so here it is! Enjoy!!

I promised y'all a chapter before 2019 ends, so here it is! Enjoy!!

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*Spriha teleports to the studio*

The entire studio has been redecorated for the holidays. And yes, ALL the holidays because DIVERSITY ROCKS!! There's a giant christmas tree in the corner with pretty ornaments and an angel on top, a gorgeous golden menorah sitting near the window, and a shiny wooden kinara on a side table. Along with these, there are really pretty fairy lights strung around the room and paper snowflakes hanging from the ceilling. At the moment, the Zodiacs are relaxing on the sofa with mugs of hot chocolate.

Spriha: *gasp* Woah. This is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Taurus: Oh hey, Spriha! Thanks! We did it ourselves.

Spriha: Really?? That's so amazing!! I feel like I'm in a holiday time dream!!

Libra: Heh, just humbley stating that it was my idea-


Other Zodiacs: YEAH!

Spriha: Well, I think y'all did a fabulous job. 

Zodiacs: Thanks!

Spriha: Also...can I have some hot chocolate too? :3

Sagittarius: Yeah sure, it's my SPECIALITY *jazz hands* *goes into the kitchen*

Spriha: Unexpected, but wow.

Capricorn: Ikr? Who knew. Maybe Aries, Leo, Cancer, and Pisces might end up having some cool perks too since we have to deal with those idiots.

Aries, Leo, Cancer, Pisces: hEY!! :((

Gemini: Everyone's special in their own way, so probably?

Aquarius: Probably. Hey by the way Spriha, are you just here for drinking hot chocolate, or...?

Spriha: Oh, yeah! No no, I'm here for truth or dare. As usual. Although hot chocolate is still on my list :))

Sagittarius: *walks back in and gives Spriha hot chocolate* WHAT CAN I SAYYY EXCEPT, YOU'RE WELCOME?

Aries, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini: FOR THE WONDERFUL WORLD YOU KNOW

Spriha: Omg- 

Drea: LOL

Sagittarius: Also, did I hear truth or dare?

Cancer: Yup

Spriha: Yeah. First of all, there's a truth from le fabulous reader PiscesGeminiScorpio who successfully completed the challenge in last chapter. What's the best and worst Christmas gift you've ever been given from another Zodiac?

Aries: Hmm, best was a ps4 from Leo and worst was socks from Taurus.

Taurus: Sorry :') best was a scrapbook from Capricorn and worst was a goldfish from Sagittarius.

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