Endless Suffering...

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*the Zodiacs are making a huge card house*

Spriha: *jumps out of thin air* BOO!

Zodiacs: *scream*

Cancer and Aquarius: *fall into the card house and break it*

Spriha: Whoopsiieeee!!! *cheeky grin*

Pisces: -_-

Spriha: *flicks wrist* *cards disappear* Anway guys, let's play truth or dare!!!

Taurus: Okay who requested this time?

*a girl with long black hair and a crown walks in*

Girl: MEEEE!!! Hi, zodiacs!! I'm @Korra_Sakura but you can call me Korra!

Zodiacs: Hi, Korra!

Spriha: Korra has some...well...CRAZY dares for you guys!

Capricorn: Wait what? Only DARES?!

Korra: Yup! So first of all.... *evil lenny face* SCORPIO AND SAGITTARIUS HAVE TO KISS!!!

Everyone: O_O

Sagittarius: *tries to run away*

Spriha: *puts metal slabs on all the doors* NOPE!

Scorpio: What? Why is this happening??? *bright red*

Korra: Anyway guys, get down to your business!

Scorpio: Fine... *kisses Sagittarius on the cheek* [inner thoughts- I wish this was Pisces...]

Korra: Hey! That's not what I mean!

Scorpio: *smirks* Well you never said where!

Sagittarius: *completely red* [inner thoughts- Did this just happen??]

Blu and NBA: *come out of the shadows* WE SHIP IT!!!

Aries, Virgo, and Pisces: WE SHIP IT TOO!!!

Sagittarius: *turning even redder*

Scorpio: No, that's not rational!

Korra: Anyway, now the next dare! Leo gets to change Virgo's look however he wants! That's right, revenge... *cackle*

Virgo: *shoots a deathly glare at Leo* Don't you dare do anything bad to me...

Leo: ;D

A few minutes later...

Virgo: *is now dressed in a pink tutu and is wearing pink fluffy bunny slippers* AAAGGHHHH LEEEOOOOOOO!!!!!

Other zodiacs: *rofl*

Virgo: Oh I am SO getting my revenge... *does into a corner and starts plotting something*

Leo: Uh oh! Guys, I want my funeral to have-

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