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I was seated on the stage with all the media people flashing their cameras now and then. I could see my family sitting there with a smile. I have stopped the interview for that one person to join me. And he walked in holding his ears. I smiled and shook my head.

He seated beside his princess and gave her light pat on my champ's head.

They both beamed and waved at me. I smiled.

My World and My Sky.

My Mahi and My Neel aur.... Manik.

"Mrs. Malhotra... Your first book 'Vivah' was a hit and then now this second book. In your first book you mentioned that it's a story of your life. Now we would want to know that if this is also related to your real life or is it fiction?" One reporter asked.

I smiled and took the book from the table. It had a very cut picture with a couple holding two babies together.

"I feel a story can only win hearts when its real. And yes, it's a story of my life only. A very precious phase of my life." I smiled.

"Mrs. Malhotra... Will you please enlighten us that why this story?" Another one asked while I smiled.

"Why not?" I asked back and the crowd laughed a bit. I looked at Manik who shook his head.

And then my eyes turned towards the most precious people in my life. My daughter and my son. Though they are teenagers by now. yes...

"Well... There was a phase in my life when I had this urge to pen it down all. And then my hands ever stopped. My first book 'Vivah' is my experience and struggle which I and my husband went through while living it. and now this book. I have not written this book for my career or anything else. Writing was never thought as a career. It something that gives me peace. and writing about those two who made our life beautiful with their presence its worth reading." I spoke smilingly.

I could see my son passing me a big butterfly kiss.

I replied him back.

"So, we will be reading all the struggle which you and your husband went through which parenting right?" a reporter asked.

"It's not just struggle. It's a whole world itself. It has my experience, my hardships, my happiness, my sorrows, my fights and... my husband and my kids..." I completed and there was a huge round of applause for me.

I smiled and looked down.

"your first book has received immense amount of love from all the young generation out there mentioning the perfect husband and perfect wife and perfect love-arrange marriage. It's a success. Do you expect your second book to be your another success or not?" the guy from media asked.

I sighed and replied "as I said before, I don't write to earn. I write for my inner peace. so it becomes successful or not doesn't matter. But I want all of them to read and learn from the mistakes that I made somewhere. So that if such situation happens with you, you do what is right."

I looked at Manik who mouthed an 'I love you' to me. I blinked and smiled.

He looked beside to see Mahi busy in her phone. He slapped her head lightly and scolded her in low tone. I could already feel what he must be saying her. Protective father he is. And Neel, he kept giggling seeing his sister getting scolded. They are love.

"Can you please read it for us Ma'am...!" A girl out there spoke excitedly.

I smiled and nodded.

I took the book and adjusted the mike in my hand.

"Now I am going to read my journey... our journey of parenthood, of hardships, of struggle and of love. The time they arrived in our life to this... Manik... you and I are still living the same life... the same journey..." I spoke looking deep in to his eyes.

My kids held his hands and side hugged him while he had tears in his eyes.

"Twins – The journey of Us" I spoke and there was a loud applause from there.

I could see all my family members cheering up for me.

And I got ready to read the next journey of my life. Of Our life.


And it's here... I won't say anything and let you all speak...!

Do tell me what all do you think of this? What are your ideas about how the story will star? what struggle? what hardships?

I want to know all... Hahaha...

i'll see you all soon..!

Twins - The Journey of Us (MaNaf FF)Where stories live. Discover now