~Chapter 1~

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Wohoo... The Chapter 1 is here and here we kick start the most desired story after Vivah... I know you all must be excited to read this chapter...

Let me tell you something, The draft of first chapter is of almost 13000 words... I knwo it;s quite big... and someone told me once that I update too big chapters and that takes a lot of time nad you know you don't get such time to read and you know get into that mood. SO i have decided to post them into two parts...

So The chapter 1 is just the half of what I have already written... The other half will be posted as Chapter 2... When.. That totally depends on how much you love this story... I have started this sequel only because of you people, and if I don't see anyone supporting this story, I might get a heart break.

Anyways... So you should remember that Chapter 2 has already been written and you know I can actually give you double update too... You all know what you should do... ;)



I still remember the time when I used to update Vivah, I used to get more comments than the votes... I don't expect that much, but I do want to read all your views and excitement.

Now the update is all yours.



Almost Four years after Nandini's delivery


I cringed my brows and tried hiding more under the quilt.


Not again...

I flickered my eyes and saw it was already seven a.m. in the morning. I slumped back and tapped on my side.

"Manik... go na... wake them up..." I spoke closing my eyes again.

BUZZ... BUZZ....

"Nandini... shut this alarm up yar... let me sleep." He groaned and pulled the whole quilt towards him hiding himself more in.

I snooze the alarm and rested my arms on bed and got up on them a bit looking at my husband.

"Manik... its Friday today." I reminded him.

"Yah so... let me sleep please." He spoke sleepily.

I rolled my eyes "Manik we had decided right? Friday ko it's your turn to wake them up and get them ready for school. Unko late ho jayega... so wake up." I started shaking him violently.

"Yar... I came late last night and I need sleep. Tum hi kar lo." He spoke and pushed me away with his hand.

I opened my mouth wide. I looked at the clock and it was already seven fifteen.

"Shit... they'll be late." I cursed and woke up unwillingly.

But then I stopped and turned towards him. I glared at his sleeping figure.

Suddenly from nowhere I pushed him hard and he fell on the floor with a thud and sprung up.

"What the hell Nandini..." he yelled angrily.

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