connor x reader

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The person that requested this is VirgilSanders1245.

▪ Swearing

▪ Fluffish?


(Y/N) and Connor were currently in watching an interrogation between Hank and a deviant. Though, Hank had gotten nothing out of it and stormed out of the room before heading to the room where Connor, (Y/N), and Gavin were.

Hank looked through the glass in the room to look at the deviant. "It ain't speaking." It became silent afterwards.

Gavin decided to speak up from the silence. "We could always rough it up, it's not human anyway."

"It doesn't feel pain, you would only damage it. And that wouldn't make it talk."

Gavin chuckled bitterly and neared Connor. (Y/N) was looking back and forth from Connor and Gavin, having a bad feeling a fight was beginning to stir.

"Don't back talk me, you plastic prick," Gavin glared at Connor and pushed him into the wall. (Y/N) quickly got up from her seat and helped Connor back up.

Connor stayed silent and glanced at (Y/N), wondering why she'd helped him up. (Y/N), on the other hand, was about to slap Gavin.

Gavin looked at the female who helped the android. "Why the hell are you helping it?" Gavin scoffed.

"Because HE'S as much as someone to me as anyone else in this room, excluding you."

Connor was a little confused. "(Y/N), you don't have to defend me," Connor stated.

"I don't have to, but I'm going to," (Y/N) responded. Gavin had rolled his eyes while Connor stayed silent.

"Why don't you get your pretty ass out of this room," Gavin narrowed his eyes at (Y/N). She walked up to Gavin, steam practically coming out of her ears.

"You better shut your damn mouth or I'll put a gun in it," (Y/N) demanded. Gavin was a little bit shocked before smirking.

"I'd like to see that happen then."

(Y/N) walked up to Connor, knowing he had a gun on him. She grabbed Connor's gun and slowly walked up to Gavin, shoving some of it in his mouth.

"That'll make you shut up," (Y/N) glared at Gavin before walking back to Connor.

"(Y/N) that might get you fired..." Connor looked at the human, concerned about her job. She only shrugged, not having a care in the world.

Gavin got the gun from out of his mouth before throwing it at the wall and walking out of the room. Hank watched the whole thing before speaking up.

"(Y/N), don't you think you overreacted a little bit?" Hank questioned.

"The fucker had it coming, have you seen everything else he's done to Connor and the other androids?" She responded.

Connor shook his head a little. "You really didn't have to help me (Y/N)."

"Yeah I did. Now come with me into the interrogation room before Gavin comes back," (Y/N) grabbed Connor's arm and walked out of the door in the room.


Heya, sorry I didn't post any stories yesterday. This one was a shorter one because I kinda lost motivation in this, sorry! And it's all over the place, yoof ;3;. Anyway, requests will be closed for a few days because I need motivation to do my own thing and write stuff with my ideas. Sorry if you had a request or something and I didn't get it done...

I'll stop rambling. See ya!

Word Count: 572

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