markus x north

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The person who requested this is enderangel13.

▪ Slight sexual activity

Type: Lime

Also just to let you know, some stuff might not make sense because their robots and whatnot. Just go along with it...


It was around a month since the revolution had ended, and the former leaders of Jericho were proud. They had freed their people and lived in harmony.

The humans had decided to help the androids with houses and so on. Markus and North had gotten a house together after a week and a half after the revolution.

Markus was currently walking to his house with North after visiting Simon and Josh. They had their hands intertwined as they headed home.

Markus unlocked the front door and held it open for North, like a real gentleman. North walked in and went into the living room, Markus following behind.

"Hey Markus," North said as she plopped onto the couch. Markus leaned against the wall in the house and glanced at North with a questioned expression.

"Yeah?" He pushed himself off of the wall and sat next to North. North wrapped her arms around Markus and kissed him softly.

"I love you," She smiled as she looked into Markus' multicolor eyes. Markus returned the smile and responded with an "I love you too."

Markus place his hand over North's, making their 'skin' disappear and their hands glowing a faint blue. Markus decided to kiss North on the lips passionately. North was the one to pull away after a while, a string of saliva connecting their lips.

Markus quickly and suddenly pinned North under him on the couch. North was a bit surprised from the sudden action. She turned her head to the side as Markus began to attack her neck with nibbles and kisses. North let out a small moan when Markus found her sweet spot.

After a bit of time biting and sucking on that spot, Markus saw some faint blue hickeys forming. North had a bright blush formed on her face as Markus turned her head to face him. He kissed her deeply, and decided to put one hand up her shirt and the other down her jeans.

North was tempted to slap Markus, but it was the heat of the moment, and she was actually enjoying this. Markus lifted her shirt up before kissing along her stomach and reaching his way up to her breasts.

Markus reached there and began to suck on one while massaging the other. North couldn't contain her noises as soft moans came from her mouth.

Before they could get any further though, there was a sudden and loud knock at the front door. Markus got up to get it, while North pulled her shirt down and tried to contain her blush.

"Hello Markus," Connor had been the one at the door.

"Oh uh, hey Connor," Markus stepped out of the way to let Connor inside. North hid her face, not noticing Connor was in the room.

Connor just stood while Markus sat next to North on the sofa.

"So, I've wanted to talk about some things lately, but first can I ask you a couple of questions?" Connor scanned  Markus and North real quick to see if there was anything that seemed harmful and whatnot on them.

"Sure, knock yourself out," Markus said a 'human saying'. Connor cleared his throat, not like it was necessary.

"First of all, I heard some noises outside and I was wondering if you both were alright?" Connor seemed seriously worried. Markus couldn't help but let out a laugh and nod. North looked to the side, making her long hair cover the side of her neck with love bites.

"Second of all, North seems to have some type of bruising on her neck. Are you sure she's alright?"

Markus chuckled from how innocent Connor was. "Yeah, she's alright," Markus glanced at North with a small smirk on his face. North covered her face and muttered something, but neither Markus or Connor could make out what she said.

After about an hour or two of chatting, Connor had to go. When Connor left, Markus decided to get up and pick up North bridal style.

North, a little bit confused, held onto Markus as he began to walk towards the bedroom. North realized what was happening and a dark blush dusted her face.

"Lets finish what we started," Markus smirked as he went inside the bedroom, still carrying North, and shut the door.


Heya, my first oneshot done! Sorry if it was bad, I haven't written in a while and this is my first Markus x North one I've ever written. Anyway, I'll get going ;w;.

Word Count: 785

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