connor x reader

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(Y/N) was currently on the run from a couple policemen and an android. She knocked over a couple racks, shelves, and so on in the empty house she was in. The android seemed to be catching up with her, and fast.

(Y/N) breathed heavily as she bust open a jammed door before slamming it shut, hoping that she jammed it again. She couldn't take her chances and rest though, so she caught her breath and kept running. She found a hole underneath the planks on the ground, and decided to hide under there.

She heard the door bust open again and heavy footsteps made the planks croak. (Y/N) cringed a bit and decided to go deeper into the flooring.

She glanced through one of the cracks and gasped silently when she saw the android who was after her. She cowered into the ground and accidentally made a noise, causing the android to catch it's attention under the flooring.

The android looked around the room, trying to find the opening that (Y/N) got into. He eventually found it and crawled under it. (Y/N) had no option but to stay put, for she was caught between the android and a wall.

Connor crept closer and saw the human, scanning her real quick. He neared (Y/N) and close enough to grab her arm. The female let out a small cry, trying to tug her arm back. The android, seemingly having no mercy, got out through the opening and tugged (Y/N) out.

"Please... l..let me go," (Y/N) said in a quiet tone. Connor made eye contact with the girl, knowing that she had to come back with him. He felt empathy for her, but not enough to let her go.

"My instructions say otherwise," He stated with a monotone voice. For some reason though, (Y/N)'s tears softened his mechanic heart. Which had made him hesitant to bring her back to the police.

While Connor was hesitant though, the female broke free and made a dash for it. The android just stood there and decided it would be best to let her go. He walked back to where the policemen were and said she got away, but left the part out where he let her get away.

[Time skip]

After a couple of months, Connor was on another investigation with a robbery downtown if Detroit. The owner had told him that there was an android, an adult human, and a little girl.

The evidence lead up to the three most likely being in an abandoned house, and Connor was right. Ralph, who had helped out the three, tried to keep quiet but the negotiator android had found where they were.

(Y/N) had sprinted out first and jumped on Connor, trying to spare the female android and child some time. Connor immediately recognised the human as the deviant smuggler who got away a couple months ago.

Connor put up a fight with (Y/N), but felt too guilty. Connor let (Y/N) run off, but decided to chase after her to see if she'd be safe.

Once over the fence, (Y/N) had looked back and saw the android who let her get away twice now. The female android and the child were safe on the other side of the road, waiting for (Y/N) to cross. Though, before she left, (Y/N) wanted to thank Connor.

Connor arrived at the fence and looked into the female's (E/C) orbs, feeling something warm inside him. (Y/N) put her hands on the fence and looked back.

"I don't know your name or anything, but I just want to say thank you for uh... letting me get away. It means a lot I can save more lives..." (Y/N) smiled softly.

"No.. problem," Connor smiled back, but felt a little bit saddened that she had to leave.

"I hope you'll waken yourself up," That was the last thing (Y/N) said to the android before crossing the street to the other android and child.

Connor only nodded, feeling emotions in him that he never thought he'd feel before.

Hank eventually caught up to Connor and put a hand on the android's shoulder.

"I think you did the right thing. Come on, let's go," Hank grinned at Connor before walking off. Connor watched as the trio across the street left off to go somewhere.

Connor decided to go back to where Hank was, silently hoping that he'd see this (Y/N) again.


I hope this oneshot was alright oof. Again, i'm getting used to writing again. .w. I hope you enjoyedddd.

Word Count: 792

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