ralph x deviant!reader

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▪ Fluff

(Y/N) was a WM500 model who ran away from her job. She couldn't take it anymore and broke free, but now she didn't know where to go or what to do. She was lost, and if a human found her, she'd be dead for sure.

The female android had climbed over a fence to find an abandoned car and some wire cutters. She picked up the wire cutter and went over to a fence that separated her from an abandoned house she found. Or, what looked to be an abandoned house.

She quickly crouched and cut some of the wire before slipping under the fence. One of the fence pieces was sticking out and cut into her arm. She didn't flinch or anything, androids couldn't exactly feel pain. Though, there was blue blood stained onto the wire fence now.

(Y/N) ran onto the porch of the house, her LED flickering yellow. She went over to the front door, pushing against it.

"Jammed," She mumbled to herself. She cautiously walked around the house, trying to find an entrance inside. She arrived at a window that was the border between the outside and a room with rA9 written a ton of times on the wall.

The female android knew what rA9 meant, so she knew there was most likely going to be another deviant around the area. As she turned around to see if she could open the window or bust it with anything, her smallish body pressed up against someone else.

The mystery person or android pushed her into the wall, a knife held up to (Y/N)'s throat. (Y/N) closed her eyes, her LED flashing red.

"What is another android doing here?" It sounded like a male android.

"I would ask the same thing," (Y/N) tried to push the android away from her. Her LED flickered as she felt the knife press more against her neck.

"Ralph doesn't appreciate this visitor," 'Ralph' had growled lowly. (Y/N) opened her eyes, her stress level increasing.

"Let go of me! Please!" (Y/N) begged as she felt the knife dig into her neck, blue blood dripping a little bit.

Ralph stopped, noticing the red LED flashing. Ralph put his knife down, looking at the ground.

(Y/N) was hesitant to move, since this deviant was very unpredictable and unstable.

"Ralph is sorry..." Ralph turned his head, (Y/N) noticing the huge scar on his face. Her LED lowered to yellow, though she was still cautious.

"Who... did that?" She spoke in a soft voice. Ralph's LED flickered as he glanced at the female android.

"Humans... mean humans... they did this to Ralph," Ralph responded, his LED now yellow. He placed one hand on (Y/N)'s chin, lifting her head. He examined the cut he left on her neck before backing away. "Ralph is really sorry..."

(Y/N) sighed softly before getting off the wall of the house, her LED changing to bright blue. She wiped the blue blood from her neck, looking at the thirium on her arm. It wasn't that much, but it was a noticeable amount.

"You're forgiven, Ralph," (Y/N) glanced around the place before looking back at the male android. She noticed there were tears brimming at the end of Ralph's good eye.

"Ralph only wants a friend he can trust," He muttered out loud, wiping the tears from his eye. (Y/N) felt pity for Ralph, and decided that maybe it would be best to give him a hug. Even though he threatened her with a knife, he looked like he could need some affection at the moment.

The WM500 model neared the other android before engulfing him with a hug. Ralph had an expression of shock and surprise across his face before he dropped his knife and hugged (Y/N) back.

"Ralph thanks..."

"(Y/N), my name's (Y/N)."


yEeT got it done. I've actually been on and off with this one shot for a couple days now, and I seen the couple of comments that wanted a Ralph x Deviant!Reader. Soooo I decided to finish this. Welp, I'll get going nooooooow :D

Word Count: 704

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