connor x reader

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▪ Slight sexual activity

▪ Lime


(Y/N), Hank, and an android called  Connor were on a crime scene, investigating the murder of a young woman. (Y/N) had went outside to see if there would be any clues. There was no one in the backyard, so she figured she was the first to check.

As she walked around, she didn't notice the footsteps that had followed her though, and she ended up searching a three walked area. As she turned around, she walked right into someone's chest.

(Y/N) glanced up at the person's face, and saw the same chocolate colored eyes that Connor had. He seemed to be blocking her path to get out, and (Y/N) had a questioned look plastered on her face.

"Connor? How long have you been following me? Could you let me go?" The young woman tried to leave again, but the RK800 blocked her way every time she tried.

Connor's LED flickered yellow as he narrowed his eyes at the girl before grabbing her arms and pushing her against one of the stone walls.

A slight squeak escaped from (Y/N)'s lips as her arms were pinned above her head. "Connor?! What the fuck?!"

She squirmed under Connor's grasp, but stopped when she felt his cold lips against her chapped ones. (Y/N) closed her eyes, actually enjoying this moment.

She shivered as she felt Connor's free hand wrap around her and snake it's way down her back and to her butt.

(Y/N) moaned softly into the kiss, a dark rose blush appearing on her face. Connor pulled away, a sting of (Y/N)'s saliva connecting their lips. The android leaned forward, near (Y/N)'s ear. "I know how you feel about me," He whispered lowly, his LED flickering red for a split second before he used one of his hands to tilt the blushing girl's head to the side. Connor began to attack her neck with rough bites and kisses, making (Y/N) moan from pain mixed with pleasure.

(Y/N) gasped when she felt Connor bite and suck on a certain spot, which Connor smirked against her skin and kept attacking that spot.

Connor used both of his hands and lifted (Y/N) off the ground, (Y/N) wrapping her legs around the other. Connor had her pushed against the wall as he grabbed her wrists and put them together, (Y/N)'s arms being above her head again.

"Connor~" She groaned when Connor lifted her shirt and bra, immediately attacking one of her breasts while massaging the other. (Y/N) threw her head back against the wall, making sure not to hit her head too hard.

Connor switched, making sure to give both (Y/N)'s breasts the same treatment. (Y/N) had let so many small moans escape her lips as she tried to squirm a bit. Connor only pushed her against the wall more when she tried to struggle against his grasp.

Connor's LED flickered a little as he suddenly stopped. He put (Y/N) down, the human being confused. She put her bra and shirt into place and made sure she could hide the forming hickeys on her neck.

"Were done with this case," the RK800 model stated. He turned around and begun to walk away, only to turn around again to face (Y/N).

"Meet me in the basement of the police department," Was all he said before winking at (Y/N) and slowly walking away.

(Y/N) fixed herself up real quick, hoping that her blush wasn't too noticeable before going back into the house and getting ready to leave the crime scene.


Sorry if it sucked oof-
And also sorry for the late updates--
Anyway, have a comic I made because mEh, I dunno what to put here.

Word Count: 644

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