Chapter 2: Taming a Night Fury

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(Normal pov)

Hiccup was led to Alvin's quarters while the other Outcasts stared at their new comer, he looked familiar to them. Upon entering the Outcast Chiefs quarters, Alvin had Hiccup sit down and offered him a cup of wine, the boy gladly accepted, he needed to numb the pain of losing his father.

"So, what's your name boy?" Alvin asked while sitting in his own chair, the Outcast chief saw the amount of pain and sorrow in the boy's facial features and in his eyes. What happened to him. After taking a long sip of wine, Hiccup sighed heavily and answered.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III."

Alvin's eyes widened in shock. This was Stoick's boy?

"How did the heir of Berk managed to get himself banished?" Alvin asked while chuckling slightly, Hiccup slammed his cup down and seethed out. "My traitorous family members, the Jorgensons had their lazy boy assassinate my father and framed me for the crime!" Alvin stopped chuckling and even gasped slightly. Sure Stoick was the cause of Alvin being an Outcast, twenty years ago, the two of them were the best of friends until they had many difference during the still raging Dragon War.

In the midst of a raid which Alvin and Stoick were attempting to defend an onslaught from a Monstrous Nightmare, Alvin and Stoick got into an argument over tactics on how to repel the attack.

Alvin was given orders by Stoick who the former disobeyed, resulting in several "injuries." When Stoick became chief, it was only a matter of time before Stoick banished him. Alvin would remain angry and bitter over his punishment for the next twenty years.

But despite their differences, Alvin loved Stoick like he was his own brother, and to hear that his friend was killed by Stoick's nephew? That just didn't set well with the Outcast chieftain. "You have my condolences Hiccup. Even though your father and I had our differences, he was a good friend, loved him like he was my own brother." Alvin got up and patted Hiccup's shoulder.

"I promise kid, we'll make this right."

(Three months later)

As the months rolled by, Hiccup was trained by Alvin and the best of the Outcast warriors, the majority of the Outcast population were men, but there were handfuls of women too, but they were all warriors none the less, despite being shunned our cast aside by their former tribes, the majority of them being former Hooligans.

Hiccup at first had a very hard time fitting in with the Outcasts, because many of them had grudges with Stoick, but Alvin ordered his people to back off or suffer severe punishment.

Currently Hiccup was creating a sword in the smithy, he named Inferno, he read his blueprints and sketches for weapon and wrote down each function, part, and ability of the weapon.

Monstrous Nightmare Saliva: By placing a small canister of Monstrous Nightmare saliva inside the hilt, I was able to coat the blade with the substance so that when ignited it produced replicated dragon fire, which convinced most - if not all - wild dragons that I was one of them. This ability could also be used to fight and intimidate humans.

Hideous Zippleback Gas: And by placing a small canister of Hideous Zippleback gas inside the hilt, I was able to release the gas through the pommel and ignite it to create an explosion, in the event that I become surrounded by dragons, to prove to large groups of dragons simultaneously that he was 'one of their own'. This ability could also be used to fight or intimidate humans. The gas, using the sword, could also work like a blowtorch or a flamethrower.

Lighters: Inferno possessed two lighters to create sparks; each at opposite ends of the hilt as one was used to ignite the Nightmare saliva while the other was used to ignite the Hideous Zippleback gas.

Retractable blade: The blade of Inferno was hollow to allow pieces of the blade to slide into each other before eventually sliding into the hilt, where it is soaked with Monstrous Nightmare Saliva.

Hiccup had been working on the weapon whenever he finished his training with the Outcasts, he wanted a weapon that'll be effective in combat and if he ever had to face dragons, but deep inside, Hiccup knew he couldn't kill dragons. He just couldn't.

The war horns blew and Hiccup saw swarms of dragons descending upon them; unleashing torrents of fire on them all. Outcasts were running all over, some gathering the elderly and children to safety, others were already engaging dragons, and some were scrambling to get the catapults ready with the boulders and nets.

Hiccup exited the smithy as a Gronckle spew blew up the building, Hiccup grabbed a shield and deflected a volley of Nadder spines, his Inferno sword was strapped to his back, if he needed to try and calm any of these dragons down.

Suddenly, a whistling echoed in the air, that belongs to one of the most infamous dragon in the Barbaric Archipelago. The Night Fury, the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself. A burst of violet flames destroyed a nearby watchtower, Hiccup took cover as the debris from the watchtower came crashing down in his direction. Hiccup saw the Night Fury lock its eyes on him, the Night Fury fires a plasma bolt at the boy, he was sent back by the force of the blast.

Hiccup groaned in pain, he slowly got up but his breath hitched as the Night Fury was suddenly face to face with him. The infamous dragon bared it's razor sharp teeth at the boy, Hiccup saw Outcasts coming to aid him.

"NO!! Stay back! This is my fight!" Hiccup yelled, the Outcasts looked at each other then nodded, though they were fairly certain the Night Fury would kill Hiccup. The boy slowly got on his feet and watched as the Night Fury snarled at him, the two began to circle each other, Hiccup made an attempt to reach for Inferno, only to get blasted by an ear deafening roar.

Could this dragon... possibly be... trying to...?


But the idea of bonding with a Night Fury popped up in Hiccup's mind. If he could tame this Night Fury, he could conquer other lands, and expand the Viking empire; leaving their mark on the world and show the world that they're conquers.

Hiccup drew out Inferno, causing the Night Fury to snarl in great displeasure, Hiccup raised a hand out and he threw Inferno several feet away from him, once the dragon laid eyes on this action, it sat on hind legs, It's thin pupils becoming round orbs and its ear twitching slightly.

The Outcasts That had gathered were shocked at the sight before them. Hiccup raised a hand out for the dragon to sniff. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you, there's no way I'd harm such a magnificent creature." Hiccup cooed, the Night Fury sniffed the boy's hand, it held no stench of dragon blood. In fact, there was no stench of any death on this boy, not from man or dragon. The Night Fury then pressed its snout into the boy's palm, causing Hiccup to release a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Alvin pushed through the Outcasts gathering around and his mouth was agape, he was shocked.

By now the dragons left with their bounty of livestock and whatever food they could sink their talons into, but the Outcasts couldn't care less. They couldn't believe their eyes. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III tamed a Night Fury, singlehandedly. Alvin approached the duo, the Night Fury snarled at the Outcast chieftain, Hiccup places a hand on the dragons head. "It's alright, he's not going to hurt, I promise." Hiccup said as he turned to Alvin's dumbfounded face.

"How in the name of Midgard did you...?" Alvin began but Hiccup just shrugged. "This dragon isn't like others, it's far more intelligent and perhaps I decided to show him that humans are capable of coexisting with dragons." Alvin hummed in acknowledgment and turned to see Savage and a handful of other high ranking Outcasts. "This boy has changed our perception of dragons. If he could tame a Night Fury, we can tame other dragons." Alvin turned to Hiccup and gave him an ambitious smile.

"Well Hiccup, my people believe we can change the course of history if we can tame dragons. So, do you have a goal with taming these lizards? Or...?" Alvin asked, Hiccup smirked and scratched the Night Fury's chin, and turned back to Alvin.

"I say, you've all been on this cursed rock for far too long! Join me in taming dragons, let us recruit others to our cause and seek conquest, let us expend the Viking empire and show the world why Vikings should be feared!!!"

The Outcasts all roared in agreement, Alvin then gave orders to his people to pack their things, they're all leaving Outcast Island to seek new land, new conquests and new opportunities. They would show the world why Vikings are feared.

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