Chapter 1

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Four years ago.

I'm fantasizing about a guy I met four years ago.

Sure he's my soulmate, but four years.

That's a whole presidential term right there.

I pushed off the counter and turned to Shelly.

"Am I crazy?"

Her head turned my way, eyebrows rose in amusement.

"Well I'm waiting for you to prove otherwise if that helps." She broke into her signature lopsided grin.

"Should've known you wouldn't have been any help then."

I fixed my visor and glanced around the place.

It was pretty quiet for it to be McDonald's. The only person here was an older gentleman who came this early to read the newspaper.

I glanced back at Shelly who was already looking at me.

"What?" I looked down in confusion, wondering if maybe some ketchup was on my shirt.

"Nothing, I just like watching you freak out."

I bit back a comment as the door swung open, a man stepping in hastily. Here comes the morning Rush hour.


I smiled as he walked up to my cash register. "Good morning, what can I get you today and is it for here or to go?"

The man looked at the menu, scowling deeply. If he scowled any harder, the bottom half of his face would come off. Then he looked at me, smiling patiently, and lost some of the edge.

"To go. I'll take a large coffee, five sugars and five creams. Along with 2 apple pies and a yogurt parfait," He paused and I looked up in confusion. "Also good morning to you too."

If it was even possible for my smile to get bigger, it did. Which also made him smile big.

"Will that be all for today? Yes? Here's your receipt and wait for your number to be called." Handing him the receipt, you smiled at the next customer. There were now long lines with both you and Shelly. You hope she was right about there not being a ketchup stain.

2 and a half hours later and it was 7:30. Shelly and I decided to take a little break before the next burst comes. The first one is always the workers and they are usually in bad moods. The next are the mom's, teens who are late to school, and people who are fortunate not to have any plans. Grabbing a cup from behind, I walked to the drink suspenser and got some water. Shelly was following behind and we both sat in a booth together.

"Are you still looking for other jobs?" Turning to Shelly's voice, I looked at her in confusion.

"(Y/n) you're honestly deaf. I said are you still looking for other jobs. Are you?" She took a sip of water and waited for my response.

"Yea, actually I got some offers. A lot are overseas though." Jobs have been calling left to right asking for me to come and help. It was nice but I really wasn't sure if I was ready to leave this place. It was here that I met him.

"What exactly is it that you do?" 

I laughed. "Shelly, you know what I do." 

Of course I knew she really didn't, but I was hoping that her know it all attitude would kick in.

"No (y/n) I really don't."

I almost choked on my water. How am I supposed to answer her without really answering her. I looked at her and she was staring me down.

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