Chapter 4

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My laptop glowed on my lap as I sat on the studio floor. The email from BigHit stared back at me and I couldn't make sense of what to do. With the week's events playing in my mind, it really made me want to take the job.

I always wanted to dance and choreograph and here is my soulmates workplace just throwing the option into my lap. Then again, did I really want to leave my new friends?

The door suddenly burst open and Andrew ran in.

"Yo (y/n)! What it do?" He laid down and placed his head on my thigh and I shut my laptop before he could read what was on the screen.

Turns out Andrew went to the same studio I teach and go to. He's honestly the only one who knows I dance. If people realised I had like 3 jobs they would be worried. I just hate being bored, plus dance classes are mad expensive.

I put my forehead on the 19-year-old's and smiled down at him. "Has anyone ever told you to knock?" I pushed him off and he rolled around putting his legs on top of mine.

He pretended to look thoughtful and then shrugged his shoulders, "Yes."

A grin formed on my lips and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "You helping with today's class?"

Andrew stood up and took off his jacket, his shirt slightly rising up with it. If I didn't know who my soulmate was, I totally would've crushed on the boy. He was FINE.

My eyes widened and I shook my head at the thought.

Stop being weird.

His hand was in front of my face and I gladly took it. "Of course. Want to practice the combo a bit?"

The change in his mood shifted as he started stretching. I did the same and noticed that every time it came to dance he got serious. His look of focus was something I always noticed when he danced. If I were to be honest, I felt something when I first met him. It wasn't like when I met Hoseok and I was full of happiness, this was more like a sadness.

I couldn't put a guess as to why though.

"Drew? Can I ask a question?" My voice pierced the silent focus the room had.

He hummed in response.

"Who's your soulmate? Do you know?"

Straightening up, I kept a level gaze on him. His body tensed slightly and I frowned.

Without any notice he turned toward me his eyes cold. "What's your full name?"

My face contorted into one of confusion. Nonetheless, I told him anyway. "(Y/f/n) (y/l/n)."

Scanning his face, I tried to figure out what was going on. "Yea I know her. Known her for like years. She's pretty cool actually. Never got the courage to like actually talk to her and tell her though."

He went back to stretching and I smiled. "I'm sure she'll love you, I know I do." He gave me a goofy grin and I mirrored his stretch.

"Why'd you need to know my name though?"

"The group and I are finally making you a Twitter and Instagram. Can't believe all you had was Snap." His voice was laced with mock disappointment and I scoffed.

"Drama? No thank you." I got up and walked towards my laptop so I could hook it up to the sound system. I closed out of my email and looked for my music as I walked to the speakers. I found the remix I downloaded for Gangsta and blasted it through the speakers.

A ruffle could be heard from behind me and I spun around only to see Andrew in a clump on the floor. "What are you-"

He started to dance and I laughed about how he always starts the dance.

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