Chapter 2

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"Soulmate? You're kidding me." Shelly looked at me confused and I couldn't even bother to explain anything to her before she shook her head and laughed.

The group in front of us looked at me with wide eyes. I could see that they wanted to ask more questions but they didn't want to push any boundaries. Heck, if I just found the soulmate to apparently one of the biggest bands around right now I would be curious too.

I stopped pacing and stared at my pretzels. "I really need to sit down."

"You can sit right here." One of the boys stood up and pointed to where he was just sitting. The sleeve of his red supreme hoodie was longer than his arm and it flapped around when he motioned for me to sit down. I gladly took his spot with much appreciation. 

So, going based off everything these kids said, I was a celebrity's soulmate. That would explain all the cameras when they were on the beach that day. But now I have to figure out how to meet him. It's not like I had the tattoo sign and could just write to him about it. I picked up one of my pretzel bites and ate it, trying to focus on something other than the new problems that were arising.

"This is so cool," said the girl with the blue streak. "I'm talking to Hobi's soulmate!" 

"Makes sense that you would be his soulmate. You have similar personalities. From what I've seen so far." 

My eyes moved to the girl with the BTS hoodie on. "You think so?"

The guy beside me stood up and Shelly thanked him before sitting down next to me. "Is this what you were going to tell me?"

"Well it was along the lines, basically yes." 

She put her bags down on the ground and turned towards me. "So when did  you meet him?"

"She met him four years ago," answered the boy in the supreme hoodie.

Shelly glanced at him, "I didn't ask you but thanks anyway. So (y/n) you've been keeping this a secret for four years, does anyone else know?"

I shook my head no and looked at my pretzel bites. I didn't realize I had eaten almost all of them while I was sitting down. 

"You know? It all makes sense now." The third girl finally spoke up. She stood up and walked to stand in front of me. Her long beige duster swayed around her as she tapped her foot. She pushed her glasses up and took a long look at me. It was slightly intimidating but it didn't stop me from asking her a question.

"What do you mean it all makes sense now?" I looked into her green eyes, waiting for a response. 

"This is what I mean. On American Hustle Life, that's the show they were filming hence all the cameras, everything was so suspicious. They made a big deal because a swarm of kids just rushed up to everyone but then the camera zoomed into you. You had such a cheerful look on your face and the little girl in your arms was so cute. I remember everyone talking about it. Especially you. Everyone wanted to know who you were. Then, later on, the camera started zooming into your necklace. But you grabbed it before it could be seen. The boys grabbed Hoseok's and that's when all the rumors started flying. Even four years later people still ship you guys."

My heart started beating fast as she described what she had watched. It was weird because that's how it happened. So now I know it was truly real, and millions of people know about it. But the girl didn't stop talking there.

"You know what's even better? How he looked at you. He gave you such a real genuine smile. Like you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. And you did the same. Then it was over. Kids were thrown back to you, the boys rushed off. Over. But there was a split second where they showed you guys hugging. It was cute."

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