Chapter 5

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I stood at Shelly's front door, a duffel bag and bookbag hanging from my shoulder. Her apartment actually wasn't far from mine which had surprised me. I glanced at the playground across the street and smiled. It was actually a really nice area, had a playhouse, pool, and shopping stores. Of course, it was outside of LA so it was much cheaper.

Knocking on the door, I got giddy as I heard her voice from the other side.

She swung open the door and laughed excitedly, "(y/n/n)."

"Elly!" I hugged her excitedly. "I can't believe we're finally doing this, it's been too long."

She dragged me inside, "Gosh I know right." I quickly dropped my book bag at the door. Her place was decorated in Navy blue and accents of orange. It was quite calming actually. There was a rustic vibe to the place that would have you think Shelly hadn't decorated the place. She took my duffel bag and threw it inside what I assumed was her bedroom.

I sat on her dark brown couch and began taking off my shoes.

"You can just throw those near the door." I saw the pile of shoes she pointed at that sat clumped near the door and laughed.

Her place was so chill, I was a little in awe. In the corner, she had one of those chairs you typically had outside that could swing around. It was Navy blue and I immediately made a beeline for it, sitting criss-cross applesauce when I reached it. Pulling out my phone, I started scrolling through Instagram. Recently, I started following some BTS fan accounts, trying to figure out what their personalities were like. They would always post about their dances and practices. I listened to some of their music but I never watched a full dance practice.

A blonde head suddenly found its way blocking my screen. "Ohhhhh, BTS huh? Ken has been showing me some Kpop. He showed me your soulmate. You know he's a really good dancer. I mean, basically everyone is, but like he's really sharp and focused. You'd like him. Wait, let's watch it on the TV!"

She plopped down on her couch, the big t-shirt she was wearing almost engulfing her small body. I watched as she went to YouTube and put in Jhope Dancing. The first video to pop up was a 13-minute long compilation. I joined her on the couch, intent to see just how good my soulmate was.

We had only watched 18 seconds and I was already mind blown. How does he move his body like that?

My mouth was probably wide open but I couldn't help it, he was so passionate. Then a scene from a concert came on where he was wearing ripped jeans, a white T-shirt, and a long sleeve purple and blue shirt. His footwork was fantastic. Then he dropped into a split, stood up, and rapidly hip thrust into the camera or so it seemed. All while wearing a big smile.

I couldn't focus after that but it seemed to be the same song. How could he move so seductively?

Better yet, could he do it to me?

I blushed and turned away from the screen. Shelly must've noticed because she paused the video and looked at me questioningly. I literally can't believe that thought entered my mind. Shaking my head gently, I faced Shelly.

"I need some water. Got any?" She handed me a water bottle from the side of the couch, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

She rose an eyebrow, "The hip thrusts got you huh?"

The water practically shot its way down the wrong pipe of my throat as I started coughing loudly after her comment.

"Shelly!" I yelled at her trying to act innocent but I knew a smile had found its way on my face.

She hummed in response and shrug a dainty shoulder. "Gets everyone. Trust me, I'm a sucker for this guy in NCT. Yuta? Yea, that's bae right there. Ken better be glad he found me first."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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