Chapter Five

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I ignored those feelings I had felt not too long ago, and I followed Joohyun noona, and Jin hyung as we went up to order our drinks. We waited in line to order, but then suddenly, Taehyung enters the cafe, and he gets in line.

"Hello Yoongi" Taehyung spoke from behind me, and I turned around to face the taller.
"Hi" I responded to the ash grey haired, who smiled at me very lightly.
"Do you come here often?"
"No. This is the first time I've ever come here"

"Really? I like it. I come here when I read or something like that"
"That sounds relaxing"
"Yeah. So you're here with Jin and Joohyun?"

"Sounds like fun. Would it hurt if I sat with you guys?"
"Nope, not at all. I can ask them for you" so I did as promised, and sooner or later, the 4 of us were sitting at a table talking to each other. At this point, we pretty much had our drinks.

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"So Yoongi, why don't you tell us about yourself?" Jin hyung asked me kindly, curiosity visible in his voice. My heart started pounding after hearing those last words. 'How am I gonna do this?' I'm so awkward, especially around hot guys like Taehyung and Jin for instance. But I'm not some worry wart? I reassure myself, and pull it all together, and took a breath in as I said,
"I like to play the piano, and I also like listening to music"
"How interesting" Jin responds.
"I remember watching you play the piano on stage, and I swear to god I was killed" Joohyun joked, making us all laugh and smile.

"Yeah, your piano skills are amazing. It makes me smile" For some reason, my face felt heated after hearing Taehyung complemented me. It felt like I was in heaven, or which ever you wanna call it, but the point is it made me feel things.
"Thank you, Taehyung" I softly reply.
"OH MY GOD HE'S BLUSHING!" Joohyun exclaims, pointing at me, embarrassing me, and clearly over joyed. Or what she called 'an UWU explosion'.

Everyone laughs at me as I covered my face in utter embarrassment. Then everything went silent. Silence. It sure is nice. Until-
"Taehyung, I gotta see you"

Jin said, gesturing Taehyung to follow him. With that being done, he put down his novel and mocha and went with Jin hyung to the rest room. Irene was watching Fifty Shades Of Grey on her phone with earbuds in so no one would have to hear. But I mean, the café is a loud place, so it wouldn't matter but it's good to bring them.

Because I felt like I needed to use the bathroom, I went over to the men's washroom, twiddling my thumbs nervously. Jin and Tae were obviously talking in there, so being the creep I am, I stood outside and listened to them talk.

"You know, I like that boy. Min Yoongi. He's cute"
"Yeah, he's cute alright"
"As soon as I laid eyes on him, I knew immediately he was my type. And now that I've learned about him, he's becoming even more appealing to me"

"Oh, how much I wanna touch that boy"
"Whoa whoa, hyung. Be careful"
"I know how deranged you get when you have a sexual desire for someone. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want the same thing that happened to Jihoon, now do you?"

Jihoon? What did he do to Jihoon?

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"You dare mention him again-"
"Or what, hyung? Are you going to rape me? Like you did with the others?"

Rape? Others?

"I know you feel the same way. After all, you've liked him for how long now? Why wouldn't you want to eat him out after all those years you spent with him?"
"Love and lust are two different things. I love Yoongi, whereas YOU have a strong lust for Yoongi. I'm not like you. I don't kidnap pretty boys, have sex with them against their own will for several days, and then watch as they make the sad choice of killing themselves, all because some prick wanted more power over people. It's inhumane and wrong"

What is this?

"Ok, what's your point?"
"My point is, I don't want you to hurt Yoongi. I don't want him to meet the same fate Jihoon, and the rest of those boys have. So can you please get your head out of your own ass, and try to understand for once?"

"..... Alright"

I suddenly run from the bathroom, feeling sick from hearing everything in the bathroom. I grab my bag and run out, not caring that Joohyun had been calling my name many times already. I had been running so far away from the cafe, I forgot my surroundings. But I found myself in a situation I never wanted to be in.

My dad was there, standing by his white ram, smiling at me, with that disgusting look in his eyes. That same disgusting look I discovered at only age 13.

He was hungry...

Sorry for the long wait my children, this took a lot to write, especially since I'm making it up as we pass these chapters. I'll see you when I do!

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