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Welcome to the first chapter of Weak Point. Hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment which ships or plot lines you might want to see. Please let me know if I misspelled someone's name or place. Also pretend Amy moved in to Sophie's room when she moved to the elvin world. Im also not sure what year of foxfire sophie would be in so I'm going to say that she Biana Dex are in 4 Tam and Lihn and Fitz and Keefe are in 5 but Keefe is currently off with the Neverseen doing Keefey things. Correct me if you know the actual levels and I'll fix it. I'm not really sure how long to make the chapters so it will vary until people actually start reading this story *fingers crossed* and tell me what they want.

Sophie woke up to a very bright light and groaned as she realized that she had forgotten to close her blinds the night before. She sat up and went to get dressed knowing she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep and smiled at her sleeping sister still laying next to her completely oblivious to the bombardment of light. Sophie gingerly got out of bed trying to not wake her sisters peaceful slumber.
Sophie silently moved about the room getting into her Foxfire blouse, skirt and dorky cape getting ready for the first day of her Fourth year. It was truly a miracle that she hadn't gotten kicked out yet with all of the trouble she had managed to cause. Sophie was getting help from Vertina in pinning back her hair with some clip that Dex had made her that had some sort of hidden smoke bomb in it. She wore it half because it was pretty and half because knew that if she didn't wear it at least once it would hurt Dex's feelings.
Sophie heard a small noise from behind her and say her sister rising up from the giant canopy bed with a a sleepy look plastered in her face Sophie chuckled and said softly, "Morning Amy." Amy just yawned and gave her a small wave before disappearing into her closet that Grady had added to Sophie's room. Sophie just chuckled to herself and finished her hair that ended up being in a messy half bun curls falling over her shoulders and down her back the pretty hair clip holding the whole do together.
Amy emerged from her closet wearing and oversized white T-shirt that had a black heart on the middle tucked into a pair of lightly ripped high waisted denim shorts. As Amy emerged she was still brushing her hair and Sophie sighed at how unfairly pretty her sister was with her dark brown wavy hair and sharp green eyes.
Amy and Sophie made their way down stairs chatting about what they were planning for the day. Instead of seeing Edaline and Grady in the kitchen like she had expected Sophie found an empty kitchen besides two plates of some weird blues spaghetti looking breakfast with glasses of Lushberry juice and a note saying
Sorry we couldn't see you off to your first day at foxfire but Verdie and the Vermilion both got out of their pens and we had to go track them. Tell Amy we said hi.

Hugs and Kisses,
Edaline and Grady

Sophie just smiled slightly thinking about Edaline gracefully wrestling Verdie and Grady bellowing at the Vermillion. Sophie turned to Amy and said, "Grady and Edaline will be back they had to deal with some of the animals. They said to say hi." Amy just smiled and wolfed down the blue spaghetti that tasted like pancakes with maple syrup. Sophie gobbled down her breakfast and chugged her lushberry juice before turning to the leap master and calling back to Amy, "I'll be back this afternoon stay out of trouble." Amy just smirked and replied,
"I'll try. I wish I could come with you"
"You might be able to soon" Sophie shot back referring to the council let's plan of possibly having Amy attend foxfire ever since they learned that Any was half elf. Amy waved to Sophie as she yelled "Foxfire." And let the light whisk her away to school.

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