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Welcome back my friends and guess what. Dex is back in this chapter and don't worry I came up with some sort of plan thing for once. Also let me know if I should continue this story lately I've been considering ending it because I'm really not that into KOTLC anymore. I wrote the first five or so chapters a while ago and thought to continue the story to see if I got back into it. Because I haven't really I'm considering discontinuing it but if enough people tell me not to I won't.

Sophie got up and looked at her little clock the rested on top of iggys somewhat used cage. The time read 6:12. Once again she was up really early. Well she might as well do her hair today since she has nothing else to do. Sophie stood in front of her none spectral mirror and braided her hair into some sort of braid Vertina had taught her to do. The final product looked something like this.

Sophie was pleased with herself and put on a very light coat of mascara before vanishing into her closet to get into her dorky uniform

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Sophie was pleased with herself and put on a very light coat of mascara before vanishing into her closet to get into her dorky uniform. Sophie sighed as she looked at her outfit. She wished the Foxfire uniforms weren't so ugly. She took a breath and silently chided herself, she was turning into Biana. Sophie emerged to her closet and gently shook her little sister awake.
"Hmm. Wha?" Amy mumbled.
Sophie grinned and said mimicking their human mom, "It's time for school." Amy rolled over and tucked her head into her pillows and mumbled something incoherent.
It was time for a different tactic.
Sophie gently picked up iggy and set her pet imp on the pillow directly in front of poor Amy. Igggy seemed to get what Sophie was asking and burped quite loudly in Amy's face.
"Eeeeeewwww!!" Amy shrieked and glared at Sophie making the "Im watching you" gesture as she left to go get dressed. Sophie chuckled and saw Edaline.
"Hey mom." Sophie said as Edaline set a bowl on neon yellow paste in front of her. Sophie looked at it and took a reluctant bite hoping it tasted better than it looked. Sophie's eyes lit up as she realized she was right. It tasted like oatmeal except a thousand times better.
Sophie was almost done with her bowl by the time Amy came down rubbing her eyes sleepily. Grady chuckled at her and Amy shit a glare at him before sitting down to eat her neon breakfast. Sophie finished first obviously and decided to annoy Fitz while she was waiting for Amy to finish her breakfast.
A very sleepy Fitz replied, What is it Sophie and why are you transmitting to me before school has even started. You better have a good reason.
Sophie smirked as she transmitted, Hi.
She could practically feel Fitz's glare from Havenfeild. Sophie chuckled softly and decided to leave her poor boyfriend alone. Amy finished her breakfast and her and Sophie said goodbye to Grady and Edaline before light leaping away to Foxfire.
As soon as they arrived Sophie saw Tam walking through the halls. Sophie snuck up on him and jumped on his back causing both of them to fall onto the ground. Sophie and Amy were laughing hard enough to make their lungs fall out. Tam glared at them but a smirk tugged on the corners of his mouth. "I hate you." Tam said but he was smiling now and he offered a hand to Sophie to help her up. Sophie gladly accepted but after she was up Tam held on to her hand for a few moments longer than necessary before quickly letting go of her hand and announcing, "I have to get something from my locker bye." Sophie and Amy looked at each other and burst out laughing again once Tam was out of earshot. Amy's face lit up as she saw someone she knew. She gave Sophie a hasty good bye before running to catch up with some cute little boy. Must be her crush. Sophie thought. She was going to find some way to get them together. Sophie was traveling to her first class of the day when Biana appeared beside her out of thin air causing Sophie to have a mini heart attack.
"Biana! You scared me." Sophie yelled.
"I'm aware." Biana replied snarling and Sophie smacked her softly causing Biana to fake fall over in pain.  Sophie rolled her eyes and the two girls laughed together. They argued about clothes until the warning bell rang and they had to scurry off to their classes to avoid being late. Everything was great no Dex.

Until lunch.

When lunch rolled around Sophie sant between Tam and Fitz occasionally brushing her hand against Fitz's or vice versa. Everyone fell silent as Dex walked into the cafeteria all of them filled with anger that was quickly replaced by confusion when another Dex walked in.

Sorry for the short chapter and make sure to read all the way through the top authors note.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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