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     Sophie and Amy woke up at the same time due to an obnoxious iggy burp. Sophie stretched up realizing it was the last day of school before the weekend. And she had Telepathy today. The thought of the class made her heart flutter slightly. She shook the feeling off knowing that Fitz could never like her like she liked him.
    She sighed and got ready for school at the same time as Amy disappeared into the closet. Sophie came out wearing her dorky uniform and Amy came out wearing a flier lengths black dress that fit her beginning to get curvy form. The dress was off the shoulder and the long sleeves were made out of lace and the upper half of the dress had lace over it.
"Why the fancy dress Amy? You look absolutely gorgeous." Sophie inquired curious. Amy blushed and said, "I'm going with Grady and Edaline to meet the council and try to convince them to let me join Foxfire."  Sophie squealed with delight, " I really hope they let you go!" Amy just said, "Me too! I would get to see you and your friends more often. And hopefully make some friends of my own." Sophie couldn't pass up the opportunity to add, "And get a boyfriend." This just made Amy blush and she dashed out of the room and down the stairs. Sophie wondered if she already had a special someone in mind.
     Sophie found some sort of olalaberry pie on the table and saw Amy already digging in.
"Amy. Be carful or you'll get pie on your dress." Sophie scolded. Amy just rolled her eyes and continued wolfing down her slice. Sophie gobbled down hers almost as quickly and called out a quick goodbye to her parents before leaping to school hoping to get there early to avoid Dex. When she got there she rummaged through her locker. Three to the left of Dex with Biana and Lihn on either side of her. She got really lucky with locker assignments.
       She was just getting out her stuff for elementalism when Rowan appeared next to her leaning on the locker beside hers. She might have only met Rowan earlier that week but they had become friends really fast. They bonded over having multiple abilities and being considered freaks. The only difference being Rowan actual had two abilities and wasn't genetically modified.
"Hey Frosty." Sophie said without looking up from her locker. Sophie had nicknamed him after his ability and strangely icy physical traits.
"Get Ali." He shot back using the nickname he came up with due to her Aliciorn DNA. She rolled her eyes at him finally looking up at him and she noticed that he looked kind of nervous. 'He must have a test today.' She thought.
   Biana ran up and squealed, "First weekend of the school year sleepover!!" Sophie just chuckled, Biana had been planning and looking forwards to this since like the end of last year. Even Sophie had to admit she was sorta excited. Biana exclaimed, "I have to tell the others!!!!!!" And ran off down the hall. As she turned the corner Rowan and Sophie burst out laughing at her enthusiasm. Sophie recovered first and asked, "Are you going?" Rowan nodded and said, "Yeah, Fitz invited me. I'm assuming your going?"
"Yup" Sophie replied popping the p. Rowan scratched the back of his neck nervously and said, "Hey Sophie, can I ask you something."
"Yea sure." Sophie responded. He was starting to worry her. Rowan took a deep breath and said, "Do you maybe want to kinda go get lunch with me sometime over like this weekend maybe and if you want it could kinda maybe be a date?" Sophie's eyes widened with surprise but she said, "Um, yea sure but I want to try a date before you think this is like us becoming boyfriend and girl friend." Rowan just smiled a dazzling smile and said, "I'd like that."
Curious Sophie inquired, "Where do you plan on taking me?"
Rowan just smirked and said, "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Sophie just groaned and they walked down the hall way together Sophie trying to pester information out of him but he was impressively resilient. She finally gave up when they reached her class room and she slipped in prepared to go on with the day.

Everything was normal until lunch because well Biana. Biana spent the entire lunch spouting out plans for the sleep over like custard bursts and ripple puffs and games like base quest and dare and truth which seemed to be the exact same thing as truth or dare just in the opposite order. Basically the only one talking was Biana the entire lunch. Telepathy surprisingly passed over smoothly besides Sophie's heart pounding the entire time and her blushing redder than a strawberry and tomato combined. All they did was go over dos and don't if being cognates. A lecture they had gotten like 5 times before. When school ended Sophie went down to havenfeild to pick up her sister.
When Sophie arrived as her particles reassembled she saw Amy sprinting towards her a giant grin on her face. Just as Sophie glittered into existence Amy tackled her and squealed rather loudly into Sophie's ear, "I'm going to Foxfire." Sophie's eyes lit up and she squeaked in delight and said, "Really?!?" Amy rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "No I just wanted an excuse to tackle you. Of course really!!!" Sophie squeaked again and exclaimed, "We have to go tell the others." And she and Sophie packed and light leaped away to Everglen.

Pls comment and vote. Peace out!

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