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Leave Song Suggestions. Vote. Tell me if you like Rowan Correct my mistakes. Tell me how long to make chapters. Enjoy. And don't worry about Rowphie Sofitz will happen and soon. I'm sorry to make Dex the villain but I wanted something like this to happen and Dex was the most reasonable choice

       The rest of the gang responded similar to Sophie when they heard the news about Amy being able to attend Foxfire. And they all ran up to Fitz's room because it was a lot bigger than Biana's which was understandable because Biana's bathroom and closet were almost the same size as her room. And Sophie was not looking to get a makeover today though that was highly unlikely due to the fact she had a date after. She still had to tell people about that she realized with a jolt. She would do it later right now was the time for seven minutes in heaven. Just the game Sophie didn't want to play.
      Tam got Lihn. Talk about awkward. But Biana refused to let them redraw. Keefe got Biana. Biana seemed to be really happy about that while Keefe looked alright with it but not ecstatic. Rowan got Fitz which she couldn't help but laugh at. The two guys Sophie had a crush on got each other for Seven minutes in heaven. That left Sophie with Dex and Amy was voted out of playing because she was too young. She was supposed to monitor and time.
      Sophie wasn't too happy with getting Dex but she supposed it would give her an opportunity to talk to him about his clinginess lately. That was the plan until they locked the door and Dex launches forwards pinned her against the closet wall and kissed her. Surprised Sophie froze until she came to her senses and shoved him across the room and shouted, "What the heck Dex?!??"
Dex looked disappointed and said, "You didn't like it?" Sophie couldn't believe him. "Of course I didn't your my cousin. You didn't even ask. This explains why you've been so clingy lately too."  Dex looked slightly hurt but Sophie didn't care as he said, "We aren't biologically related. And I just assumed you would like it. I've been clingy lately because I didn't want you to get close to other boys."  Sophie just said exasperatedly, "That isn't something you just assume Dex. That's rape. And your tactics of keeping close backfired because guess what? I have a date after this sleep over tomorrow." Dex looked shocked and said, "Who would want to date a brown eyed freak like you.?" Sophie gaped at him not believing that her cousin and ex best friend had just said that. Amy came in to announce that the time was up and Sophie stormed out past Dex and made sure to sit on the opposite side of the circle from him sitting in between Fitz and Rowan.
      There was mallow melt and some custard bursts and ripple puffs in the center of the circle. They all sat down and started eating. Sophie thought no one noticed that she was still angry until and accented voice filled her mind and their cognate rings snapped together. Are you alright you look tense and when your tense it generally means your angry. Sophie looked at him fists clenched and shook her head. She showed him the scene in the closet leaving out the date part. When she was done Fitz transmitted Hold on one second. Before saying out loud, "Hey Dex, can I see you outside for just one second." Dex looked confused but foolishly agreed. Everyone just looked at each other confused until Dex let out a yelp and ran back in the room with a hand print on his left cheek and was followed  by a rather smug looking Fitz. Fitz sat down next to her and made sure she was alright before taking her hand and sitting back in his chair glaring and Dex and his eyes filled with anger.
Tam broke he awkward silence and asked what was on everyone's mind, "What the hell just happened." Keefe jumped in and very unhelpfully said, "I would like to know that he too."
" Me too." Rowan said softly taking Sophie's other hand in his own. Sophie took a shuddering breath and felt a couple of tears slip down her face. She was about to explain but instead turned to Fitz and sobbed into his shoulder. She felt arms wrap around her but she didn't even care. Not after Dex had betrayed her. She barely heard Fitz quietly explain to the group what happened not so subtly slipping in threats to Dex. After Fitz was done there was a lot of shouting and she was Vaughn aware of Dex being kicked out of the sleepover. Sophie slowly was brought back to reality by Biana saying, "Now that that idiots out of the way, lets have some fun. We could play, DARE OR TRUTH!" She exclaimed screaming the last part causing everyone to put their hands over their ears. Sophie realized that she was no longer leaning against Fitz and that Rowan now had his arms wrapped around her. Sophie was confused on how she got there and how she didn't notice but just moved her head to rest on his shoulder which earned Rowan a glare from Tam Fitz and Keefe. Sophie responded to Biana saying, "Actually I think that that would be a good idea." Causing everyone to look at her in surprise.
Rowan looked down at her and asked, "Are you sure. We don't have to if you don't want to." Sophie nodded and said, "I want to get my mind off what just happened." Lihn beamed at her obviously excited and explained the rules, "If someone's doesn't want to answer a Ruth or a Dare they have to take one article of clothing off." Everyone agrees to the rules an Biana started. She was looking at Lihn but said, "Tam, truth or dare." Tam puzzles over the choice for a second before shrugging and saying, "Dare." This caused Biana to squeak with delight and she said, "I dare you to buy Lihn another pet of her choosing." Lihn gasped and looked at Tam with a horrifyingly wicked grin. Tam paled and took off both of his socks. Everyone frowned at him. Wimping out on his first dare. By the time someone got up the courage to ask Sophie everyone else had gone some people had gone twice. And of course the person asking her was the one and only Fitz. Fitz said, "Sophie if you don't want to go you don't have to but if you do, truth or dare?" Sophie said, "Truth not feeling like doing a dare that moment but Fitz's wicked smile made her want to second guess herself. Fitz transmitted to Sophie, What is the secret you still haven't told me?  Their cognate rings snapped together causing all eyes in the room went to they're intertwined hands but Sophie was too panicked to notice. She took a deep breath and decided it was time. She looked at Fitz and said out loud, "Sunday at 6 pm under Callas tree." And Fitz looked at her surprised but nodded. "What just happened?" Amy asked. Everyone in the room nodded wanting to know the same. Sophie shook her head and turned to Rowan not wanting to pass up the perfect opportunity that had presented itself.
"Rowan truth or dare." He looked shocked but squinted at her before saying, "Truth. I don't like that look on your face." This just caused Sophie to grin even wider and that made Rowan's tan skin pale a little. Sophie smirked and asked, "Where are you taking me on our date tomorrow." Rowan just smirked at the angry, "WHAT!!" and delighted squeals that followed Sophie's words. He smirked at Sophie and removed his shirt revealing a very toned torso and earned blushes from all the girls in the room. That is until Biana squeaked, "You two are going on a date. Tomorrow!!!!!" Sophie nodded shyly and Lihn Amy and Biana squeals again.
"This calls for a makeover!!" Lihn exclaimed earning a chorus of agreement from the other girls and a groan from Sophie. Fitz had tightened his grip on Sophie hand and all of the boys were growling slightly and glaring at Rowan who just shrugged at them and said, "I'm just surprised I was the first to ask her." Before turning to Biana and said, "Truth or dare." Biana just smiled and bravely said dare, Rowan face lit up and he glanced st Sophie before leaning in to Biana and whispering something in her ear. Biana just squealed and looked at Sophie. Sophie was scared but it couldn't be that bad could it? 
     When they stopped playing Keefe was the only guy with a shirt still on and Lihn was hiding in the covers of her bed because she didn't have any pants on. And Sophie had forgotten the previous events of the day.

Don't worry Dex will be back. And he won't be evil I have a plan. Peace Out!!

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