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This is the last chapter with Rowphie and Fitzphie will happen next chapter do not fear my friends. Please comment song suggestions. And vote that would be kinda cool

It's was almost time for her date and as much as she was excited for it it meant that is was makeover time. Sophie was whisked away into Biana's room and Rowan was whisked away into Fitz's room but not for beautifying. Nope he was going to be yelled at for about and hour straight. As soon as Sophie sat down in her chair the three girls appeared before her intensely studying her when Lihn disappeared into Biana's closet coming out with a dopey dress that had straps on her shoulders and off her shoulders and was slightly tighter around her waist. Sophie put it on and the girls looked at each other and nodded. Biana got to work on Sophie's makeup and Amy stood behind Sophie and pulled and tugged her hair into a fancy up do. When Sophie looked at herself in the mirror she gaped.

They had really gone overboard but Sophie had to admit she did look pretty

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They had really gone overboard but Sophie had to admit she did look pretty. Amy shoved out the door and exclaimed, "Go get your date and enjoy yourselves." Sophie blushed but made her way down the stairs towards Fitz's room. She could hear the shouting from a whole story up but the yelling abruptly stopped when Sophie opened the door. All of the boys stood there gaping and blushing yet somehow Sophie still didn't think any of them liked her.
Keefe was the first to break the silence, "How did you get in. We locked the door." Sophie looked and the ground and fished out a set of keys from the handbag Biana made her bring. Everyone just looked at Fitz who shrugged and said, "Della gave them to her I just let her keep them because were cognates." Keefe rolled his eyes when Fitz said, "... were cognate." And Rowan walked up to her and kissed the back of her hand causing her to giggle and earning him a whole new round of glares from the other boys. He stood up straight and said, "Shall we go milady." Sophie giggled against and took his hand and said, "We shall." And they walked out of the gates and light leaped away.

They had a great picnic and watched he sunset together and Sophie had a fantastic time but something just didn't seem right. And Sophie decided at the end she would have to tell him they should just be friends. Great another one of these awkward conversations. As they leaving Sophie turned to Rowan and said, "Hey Rowan. I had a great time and thank you so much for doing this all for me and for caring but..." Sophie started to trail off and Rowan jumped in, "We should just be friends?" Sophie but her lip and nodded. Rowan surprised her by saying, "Oh thank goddess this makes  things a lot easier. I feel the same way." Sophie looked up at him surprised as he continued, "Plus I think I like someone more than you." Sophie grinned and nudged him with her elbow relieved that he felt the same way.
"Care to tell who?" She prompted. Rowan turned to her with a mischievous grin and said, "Only if you do." Sophie shrugged and said, "Fine but you have to go first." Rowan took a deep breath and mustered someone's name under his breath. "Who?" Sophie asked.
"Lihn" he said a little bit louder gasped and said, "I'm so happy for you. Are you planning to ask her out?" Sophie asked trying to steer the topic away from her crush. Rowan looked at her and said, " Nuh-uh. Don't try to get out of this missy." Sophie groaned but complied, "Fine I like Fitz." Rowan grinned highly at her and asked, "Are you planning on telling him?" Sophie but her lip again and reached for an itchy eyelash before stopping herself she was trying to break that habit. Sophie said quietly, "I'm planning on telling him tomorrow. It's time and then we will be able to actually become cognates." Rowan smiled at her and said, "I'll be surprised if he doesn't return your feelings." Sophie was about to ask him what he meant but he had already light leaped away. Sophie went inside and was about to get some sleep when Biana hailed her. Sophie was tempted not to answer but that would be mean so she picked up and was met by a grinning Biana  who obviously asked, "So how did it go" Amy appeared behind Sophie so Sophie explained what happened to them besides the admitting different crushes thing. And Biana looked slightly disappointed but she was supportive as was Amy. Sophie hung up and took a deep breath. Tomorrow was the big day.

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