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     Sophie and Amy appeared in front of the blinding gate that protected Everglen. The light that Amy still wasn't used to caused her to yelp slightly and cover her eyes. Sophie just chuckled softly earning a glare and a stuck out tongue. This only caused Sophie to laugh harder as she rung the door bell so Biana or Fitz would come get them.
    Someone opened the gate but it wasn't Biana Fitz or even Alden or Della. It was some random, really hot, elf. The strange elf had tan skin with a flask of freckles but had Ivey blue eyes and really dark brown hair that you could only tell it wasn't black when you saw the light shining on it. Sophie was just about to ask him who he was but Amy beat her to it, "Whi the heck are you?" Amy asked bluntly. The strange elf just peered at them and said, "I could be asking you the same thing." Before turning towards the Everglen mansion and yelling, "Fitz! Some strange brown and green eyed people are here. What do I u do with them?" Sophie answered for Fitz by pushing past the dude and saying, "You aren't doing anything with us." And left the dude sputtering and calling after her telling her to wait by the gate.
     Sophie just muttered, "Idiot." Under hr breath and continued forewords before stopping abruptly when Fitz appeared in the door way.


     Both Amy and Sophie blushed as Fitz put on a with sleeveless shirt on over his impressive abs. Fitz ran out and gave Sophie a hug snapping her out if her thoughts. Sophie wrapped her arms around him before pulling away and looking up at him. When did he become so tall? The moment was interrupted by Biana barreling out of the house and yelling st the top of her lungs, "Makeover time!" Causing Sophie to cringe. Fitz saw her and just smirked knowingly.
"Care to tell who your rude friend here is?" Announced Amy causing every one except Mr.Grumpy Pants to burst out laughing. Fitz introduced them to his friend, "Amy Sophie meet Rowan Frost. Rowan meet Amy and Sophie Foster. Amy is half elf and half human while Sophie is the only elf with more abilities than you Rowan." Intrigued Sophie asked, "What are your abilities Rowan?"
Rowan responded simply, "Forster and flasher. You?"
"Telepath, Inflictor, Polygot, and..." Sophie said trailing of and looking at Fitz silently asking him if Rowan could be trusted. Fitz nodded as Rowan prompted, "And?..."
"Enhancer." Sophie finished. Rowan just looked at her eyes wide and breathed,  "Wow..."
    "So Fitz what's the deal with this guy?" Sophie asked very subtly.
"He was one of my best friends before you came a long and after what happened with Keefe I thought I would reconnect. I'm glad I did." Fitz replied but Sophie saw the guilt shining in his eyes. Fitz hid his pain well but Sophie knew him to well to be fooled. Not wanting Rowan to hear Sophie transmitted.
Hey Fitz, It's not your fault. Keefe made his choice and nothing we did could have changed that. We have to accept that.
Fitz smiled sadly at her but didn't respond. Sophie would have to talk to him later when a ton of people weren't around.
Biana interrupted Sophie and Fitz by shouting once more, "Enough chit chat and more glam!" Before dragging Sophie and Amy off to her room. As she was being dragged away she shot one more pleasing glance at Fitz and Rowan before she was dragged into the house.
      When they were front of Biana's vanity Amy sat down first and Biana brushed out her hair pinning a couple of stray hairs away from  her face before putting on some makeup that really showed off her vibrant green eyes and put her in a dark blue dress that stopped mid thigh in the front and mid calf in the back. Sophie was next. The hairs closest to her face were pinned back with some fancy silver clips. Gold eyeshadow and light pink lip gloss brought out her eyes and she was put into a strapless red dress with a sweet heart neckline that stopped above mid thigh. It was really short. Sophie gaped at Biana who just smirked and got ready wearing and elegant floor length teal dress and a smiley eye that brought out her eyes.
       Lihn walked in and eyes widened at what she saw but before she could say anything Biana managed to get silver makeup on her and a light purple and black dress. When the girls emerged all of the boys gaped until Tam stuttered, "You all look really pretty."
Fitz and Rowan just stared and said, "Yeah."
    Sophie was hiding in the back trying to put off showing off her incredibly short dress when Biana shoved her forwards towards the front and she stumbled directly into Rowan's chest. "She looked up and him and found that he was blushing which made her blush as she remember her whole makeover. Sophie stumbled back looking down and mumbling a quiet sorry. Fitz and Tams fists were clenched and their jaws were set into a rigid line but Sophie being Sophie, was completely oblivious.
to the jealous boys.
"Hey Sophie are you staying for dinner?" Fitz asked already back to his peppy cheerful self. Amy interjected and said, "Ooh can we!?" Sophie frowned slightly and shook her head saying, "I promised Grady and Edaline that Amy and I would be home for dinner." Everyone looked slightly disappointed but understood so Amy and Sophie were swept off to Havenfield.

Do you like Rowan? Should I keep him and perhaps get him more involved or keep him out of it. I have to say I will most likely keep him in unless a lot of people are against it.

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