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Minho and I teamed up with Brenda and Winston. The woods just called to me. The trees were begging me to climb them. I had to stay focused. I had to find Jeff. We were in charge of searching the west side.

The birds were singing, but there was no sign of happiness. There was only determination and anger. So far, there was no sign. Winston was starting to complain. "Can we stop now?"

Minho turned to him. It was already dark out. "No. If you want to leave, be my guest."

With that, Winston left. I heard Minho mutter under his breath. "Shuckiest shuck-faced shuck to ever walk this planet."

I put my arm through his. "It's ok, we'll find him."

He smiled at me. It was getting late out. "Minho, it's getting really late."

He kissed my forehead. "Lets go back now."

Brenda was quiet as we walked back. Finally, we made it home. We had searched the whole west part. We came out with nothing. "Time to get some sleep." I said.

I got dressed at slipped into bed. He held me tight in his arms. He had lost his last best friend,and he couldn't find the killer. I turned to look at him. "It's not your fault. Nothing is."

"It is though. That shuck got away on my watch." He tried to hold back the tears.

"You couldn't have stopped it. Trust me, I felt the same way. My best friend got killed too."

He looked at me. "That explains a lot then."


"The wisest and the ones with the best advice are the ones who are hurting the most." Then, he kissed me.

Every kiss that we have is different and the same. It feels different, but it's still magical. After the kiss, I buried my head in his chest and fell asleep.

Instead of a dream, I had a nightmare. It was when I had to shoot Susan. Then, I saw everyone else I loved dead. I was screaming and crying hysterically. Minho shook me up. "It's just a dream."

He was cradling me in his arms. I was still sobbing. I started to calm down. I just lay in his arms and listened to the rhythm of his heart. Finally, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

In the morning, we woke to the sound of shouts. "I GOT HIM!"

Minho and I jumped out of bed and ran to the voice. Frypan had Jeff in his arms. Minho grabbed Jeff and threw him at the wall. He held him there. "Why did you do it? Speak now, either way you're gonna be taken."

"Do what? Kill Thomas? I despised him from the start. He got everything, and I got nothing. I took that away. Fair and fast."

This fueled Minho up even more. "Who cares what you think?! You don't take a man's life because of envy. You're a shuck, and you deserve pain."

I went up to Minho. "Calm down. We can deal with this, but you need to relax."


"Meeting in the main building!" I said.

Once everyone gathered, we started to share ideas. The best one was, "lock him up with only water, bread, cheese, and a third of the catch-of-the-day's brain." We all knew that Jeff hated brains.

Minho nodded. "Just let me whack his sorry back sometimes."

I thought about it. "Only once a month."


Frypan spoke up. "Isn't this all a little harsh?"

"Yes but wouldn't you like to avenge your friend's untimely death?"

"Point taken."

"I'm glad."

"Ok. Settles scored. Lets get to it. Then everything will be back to normal afterwards." I said.

We walked out of the building. Jeff was taken to the jail already. Minho came up to me. "I want to do the one month whack now."

"Fine." I said and smiled.

We walked to the jail. Minho explained. I stayed outside while he did it. He came out happy. "You good?"

"Excellent." He said.

"Can we go to the forest and climb the trees?"


We ran to the forest. I climbed the highest one. I swung from branch to branch. When I made it to the top, I stood and looked at the view.

It was wonderful. Everything was amazing. Minho joined me. He put his arm around my waist. We watched the sun set. We just stood and talked. Minho was being his usual sarcastic self. The one that I loved.

We started to climb down. As we walked back, I started to think. Everything was perfect. I hope it will stay the same. I wasn't thinking about the future at the moment, but I was hoping it would stay the same.

You know the saying, don't get your hopes up? Well this is perfect for the moment because of what happened one month later.....

Ending: A Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now