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What happened the next day was a total different story.

I slept in until noon. I sat up to a face full of Fiona. "Why are you up so late?! We're late!"

I just stared at her. "For what?"

"There's a challenge. Two actually. Sonya challenges you. Minho challenged Will last night. It's being done right now."

I jumped up. She handed me breakfast as I dressed. "Why would she challenge me?"

"She doesn't like your leadership. She also is mad at you."

"Well, if she wants a fight, it's a fight she will get."

We ran out the door to the town square. My fight was first. Sonya glared at me. Fiona stood in the middle. "Ready, GO!"

I ran at Sonya.She tried to punch me but I dodged her. I ducked under her legs and tripped her as I turned. I heard Will cheering. She kicked me in my gut. It was my weak spot. I toppled over. Only three people knew about it, Minho, Will, and Fiona.

I tried to catch my breath, but she did it again. I couldn't breathe. I looked up and tripped her again. Quickly, I stood up and kicked her rib. I jumped on top of her. I started to elbow her in the face. She grabbed my wrist and twisted.

I flipped back and pulled her down. That's when it got all fists. My nose was bleeding, and her lip was swollen. I kept kicking her. She pulled my leg and I fell back on my head. Before I went down, I made sure to knock her out.

She closed her eyes. Fiona jumped up. "Mae wins!"

I smiled as I hit the ground. I was breathing heavily. Will ran up to me and picked me up. He hugged me and helped me down. Fiona spoke up. "It is time for the second match!"

Will and Minho walked up. Then, they started. I knew all of Minho's tricks. The good thing is, I told Will all of them. Will dodged most of them. he landed punches at Minho. Minho tripped and Will kneed him in the gut as he went down.

Minho looked at me as I cleaned myself up. Harriet had gotten me another shirt because mine was covered in blood. I changed as I watched. I walked to the front row. They didn't stop fighting. Minho was on tip of Will. They rolled as they punched. It was relentless.

Eventually, it was a tie. I ran up to Will and helped him off. No one was there to help Minho. Will walked over to help him. They walked off together.

I smiled at Will. They cleaned off. Will was still changing when Minho came out. He looked at me. "Great job on your match."

"Against your girlfriend?"

"Well, I don't really care. I can congratulate you if I want, even if it is against my girlfriend."

I smiled. "I'm happy for you as long as your happy."

He didn't say anything at first. "I wish I could say the same."

I turned away. Will came out. We held hands as we walked home. "You did really good." I said.

"Thanks, you were awesome."

He smiled. We turned to look at each other. I went on the tip of my toes. He bent down. We kissed as the sun hit our backs.

We eventually split apart. He walked me home. "See you tomorrow." He said.

I grinned. "Can't wait."

I shut the door. I sighed as I got into bed.

Do you think they will get back together? Who do you think is better with Mae, Will or Minho?

Ending: A Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now