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I drifted away from everybody. I had done so much thinking lately. Should I forgive Minho and have everything go back to normal? What do I want to do? Where do I want to go? Who do I want to be?

Everything was so confusing lately. We had Will's funeral this morning. It was depressing, and I was the first one to speak. After that was pretty much nothing. Here I was, sitting in my room thinking.

If things kept going like this, I would soon be talking to myself. I stood up and started to pace the room. Fiona knocked at my door. "Sweetheart, come out."

I just shook my head. She turned and left with a disappointed look. I sat down and thought about my final decision. I felt stuck. Trapped in paradise.

I took a deep breath. I knew what I was going to do.

Later that night, I packed everything that I owned that was necessary. Fiona was asleep as I snook into the kitchen and loaded with food. I turned and looked at her room door one last time.Finally, I walked out the door.

I knew exactly where I was headed. I walked to the forest that I didn't know at all. They would never find me here. Good thing I left a note telling Fiona what I did.

I ran deeper inside. I made it to the dead center of the forest. There, I started to make my home. The first thing I did was make a shooting range because I obviously brought my vow and arrow.

That was quick. Then, I started to make a small house. It would consist of four rooms. I started on my bedroom. I grabbed as much wood as I could and started to build. I was halfway through when my arms gave out. I decided to rest under the tree.

After a few hours of sleep, I woke up and started again. Finally, I finished my bedroom. I got to work on my kitchen. It would be the second smallest room. That was easy as well. I got to work on shaping the entrance way and doors. All I had to do was cut it out and make "hinges".

After that room, I created the bathroom. I decided for that to be next to the bedroom to make it easier. That was definitely the smallest room. I wasn't even halfway done when I started to get hungry. I took an apple and ate quickly.

Sweat was hanging off my forehead like crazy. I sprayed myself with water from the flask. Then I got to work again. I built in the walls and made the door. The sun was gone by the time I finished the bathroom. I walked inside for shelter.

I slept for another few hours. I was ready to work again. Finally, I made the living room. I worked on it the whole morning. Literally the whole morning, 12 am to 11:59 am.

In the afternoon, I made a third of the furniture. The bedroom and bathroom furniture were finished by the end of the day. I slept for a few more hours. I woke up so I could start again.

I made the living room furniture. The most difficult was the kitchen. I used this type of metal for the stove that I had to bend and everything. I used a plastic and type of cold science-y stuff for the fridge. I attached the cabinets with no problem though.

Finally, I had to do the mot boring stuff. I had to made the rug. I had to make a mattress, covers and pillow. Then I made the outer layer of the couch and stuffed it. I got all this stuff from nature.

I was a big nature lover so I knew my plants. I also used some hunted animals (from my eating breaks). It was actually all done in a number of days, three to four to be exact.

I sat on the couch and relaxed. I was about to catch up on some sleep when I heard my name being called. It was called by a various number of people. I started to shape some wheels. I made a handle and everything.

Time to put this house in motion. I ran outside and attached the temporary wheels. I used all my strength to lift it up. I pushed it further into the forest. I made some twists and turns as well. When everything was quiet, I stopped and took off the wheels.

I went inside to relax. I was past exhausted. I passed right out on the couch.

I don't know how long I slept, but it looked like the middle of the day. I walked into the room to change. There was a lake nearby so I decided to bathe there. I grabbed a towel when I finished.

I was walking back to the house all wrapped up in my towel when I saw someone. It was the worst person I could ever see. It was Minho.

I turned away quickly and started to make my way back to the lake. I hid behind the bush until he left. He was talking to himself. "Where could she be? Maybe I should go in the tree."

I took the chance. I ran back to the house. My door was open. It wasn't open when I left. They were inside my house. I heard them talking. "Mae! Where could that girl have gone to now?"

I tried to grab something to write on. I found a piece of bark and a red rock. I wrote a note:

If you want to leave with your heads, get out of my house now. I don't want to see any of you again. I left for a reason.

Then, I snook over to the shooting range to get my bow and one arrow. They were leaning against the fence. Quickly, I took my stuff. I ran to the window and attached the note to my arrow.

I aimed at the wall next to them. I never missed my shots. I had practiced everyday. I let go.

The arrow hit the wall with a thud. One of them turned and read it. He spoke to the others. "Mae! If those are your wishes, we will respect that. Though, I cannot promise for others."

Then, they left.

Ending: A Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now