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kayla pov

it's around 2:30 p.m and me and shawn are STRUGGLING with these lyrics. we've been in this studio since 11:00 in the morning and have gotten nothing written on this paper. i was in charge of the lyrics and shawn was in charge of the melody since i'm not good at the piano.

" you know what? " shawn asked
" what "
" let's talk about finn "
i sighed and put my head in my hands.
" why, can we talk about something else? please? "

shawn gets up from the  piano chair or whatever they're called, and sat next to me. i stare into his eyes, his brown chocolate eyes, and study his features.

i notice that he has a cut on his cheek, and that he has a little dimple on his chin, the crinkles by his eyes, how beautiful he is up close. he's the exact opposite of finn. he don't have that black curly hair that i love to play with, all of the freckles scattered across his face, his long eyebrows and eyelashes.

shawn moves in closer to me and my breath hitched. is he- is he going to kiss me?

" are you going to kiss me?" i blurted.

gosh i'm so stupid

shawn chuckles. " i want to. very, very bad." he smiled. " but harvey"

" kiss me, shawn"

and that's what he did. he put his pink, plush lips on my nude lips.

thank god i ate a mint before he came over here

he put one of his hands  on the side of my cheek, and the other on my waist. i put both of arms around his neck and pulled him closer. his lips synced with mines, like a perfect harmony. way too perfect though.

his kisses were nothing compared to finn's. when finn kissed me, butterflies, fireworks, even fireflies were in my stomach. shawn is perfect. and as i said, way too perfect. and not to mention he's 2 years older that me { finn, kayla, are both 17 and shawn is 19 }

shawn's lips removed from mines and we was both breathless. he looked up at me and said,

" i know you kissed me because you miss finn."

i replied sorry. i felt really bad that i used shawn but, oh fucking well.

" how do you feel about finn? talk to me." he says

" finn, he cause a lot of pain to people and don't even know it"

" like a curse?" shawn ask

i replied yes. i tell what happened and shawn listens to my side of the story

" so what do you say when you see him? in person i mean. you have to see him cause he is still friends with the stranger things cast and those are your friends also right?what happens when you hear his name?"

i explain how we do see each other because me and the stranger things cast, which he is sadly in, on almost every week since they don't want to grow apart. i also explain how they're starting on season 3 and how i be in set with them. i told shawn that if we run into each other he say hi, like he just met me.

i also told him that when i see him and millie i sometimes stay quiet unless someone ask me a question.i told shawn that i get breathless when i see him and how my heart starts pounding when i hear his voice.

" why do we put each other through hell. why can't we just get over ourselves" i said to my self. i looked up at shawn and see that he was writing what i was saying.

i asked him why was he writing what i was saying and he replied with " lyrics " and i replied with a smirk

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