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kayla pov

i asked him why was he writing what i was saying and he replied with " lyrics " and i replied with a smirk.

" tell me about your love life shawn " i request.

shawn looks down at the floor for a quick second but the looked up. " what love life?" he said with a sad tone

i looked at him with a sad look on my face. " your telling me someone as handsome as you never had a girlfriend?"

" yeah. camila. "

" WHAT?? DEATS !! "

" we dated but we denied it in front of the press. but we're still friends. when we talk about it, we just brush it off and don't bring it up. and when she sings- jesus i think every song is about me and - i just can't -"

" tell her that she's all you want. like finn" i cut him off.

" what about harvey " he asked with a puzzled face.

i sighed, " publicly stunt. his manger thought it was a good idea for him. i do love him though, i'm just -"

" in love with finn" he finish off "

shawn gets up and go to the piano. he starts to play a nice, beautiful melody. i walk by him and brought the notebook he wrote our conversation. when he was talking about camila, i also wrote down what he said.

he starts to sing :

I know a girl, she's like a curse
We want each other, no one will break first
So many nights, trying to find someone new
They don't mean nothing compared to her, and I know
When people ask about us, now, we just brush it off
I don't know why we act like it means nothing at all
I wish that I could tell you that you're all that I want, yeah

I pretend that I'm not ready
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
And you say hi like you just met me
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?

When I hear you sing, it gets hard to breathe
Can't help but think every song's about me
And every line, every word that I write
You are the muse in the back of my mind, oh
Don't want to ask about it 'cause you might brush it off
I'm afraid you think that it means nothing at all
I don't know why I won't admit that you're all I want

I pretend that I'm not ready
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
And you say hi like you just met me
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
I pretend that I'm not ready
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
And you say hi like you just met me
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?

I know a girl, she's like a curse
We want each other, no one will break first
So many nights, trying to find someone new
They don't mean nothing compared to you.

he stopped his fingers from playing on the piano and sat back and let out a  relieved sigh. " how was it? is it good, money worthy?"  he asked

" it's not money worthy " i said, and he frowned " it's fan worthy, if that even makes sense " i finished .

he got up from the piano chair and hugged me, tight. and i hugged him back.

" wanna make out for the rest of the time, "

" hell yeah shawn "

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