Chapter Nine- Anger and Broken

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Third POV
Sakura stared at Shikamaru as he told everyone what had happened.
She didn't know what to say, she felt hurt and upset.
Katashi soon found out and sworn that he would get his revenge on his brother while the others could go after Kakuzu.
Cause what Shikamaru had said, Kakuzu was a lot more stronger the Hidan, they still didn't know what he was capable of.
Sakura had left after Tsunade allowed her to leave, she jumped on to the building feeling her tears fall.
She ran out of the entrance and kept on running until she was out of breath and in the middle of the woods far from the leaf village.
Sakura was upset and thought she could trust Hidan.
But she knew she was wrong.
She suddenly heard moving and leaves breaking, she knew she was alone in the woods, but also knew someone else was there.
She knew exactly who it was and Sakura knew she hated him.
Sakura's POV
I was angry and shocked.
But now I was alone in the woods and it was only mid day.
A figure suddenly walked out and I knew exactly who it was.
It was Hidan, I swung my fist and slammed hard into a tree.
"I hate you!"I yelled tears falling down my face.
Before I could attack him again, another hand or should I say arm wrapped around me.
Kakuzu gripped me close to his chest while he stayed silent.
Hidan gritted his teeth getting up from where he was thrown before placing his hands out in front of him.
"I'm sorry, okay?!? It's not my fault that I was attacked first!"he yelled pieces of bark falling out of his hair.
"What do you mean, attacked first!"I shot back while still being held by Kakuzu "you killed one of my friends, teacher!"
Hidan growled "you wouldn't understand, Sakura! I've warned you before! Even when we were younger!"he yelled before growling "I AM DANGEROUS!"
I stared at him with wide eyes the wind moved gently where we all stood.
Kakuzu suddenly dropped me and then walked over by a tree "I will be over here just in case you guys need me."he grumbled.
I got up and walked up to Hidan before poking him in the chest "then why didn't you kill me in the first place!"I yelled before shoving him "you could have killed me twice! But you didn't!!! Why didn't you!!"
Hidan suddenly shoved me "because I couldn't kill you!"he yelled back.
"Why couldn't you kill me!"
"It doesn't matter!"
"It does matter!"
"No it doesn't!"
"Yes it does"
We were now out of breath but Hidan slowly let out a breath before glaring at me "it won't ever happen, because we are two people from two different worlds, your not a criminal, but I am.."his eyes soften before sighing "even if I told you, it could never happen."
I stared at him in shock "what do you mean it will never happen?"I asked softly.
His violet eyes trailed over to my green ones before taking a deep breath "I like you, Sakura.."he paused before sighing "I always have, but it can never happen."
My eyes were wide and I could feel my tears form.
Before I could say anything I heard a noise and katashi stood in front of me glaring up at Hidan who was silent.
"Are you hurt, Sakura?"he asked looking back at me.
I shook my head slowly "I'm fine, katashi."
I felt another arm grab me gently and then I was brought against their chest.
Kakuzu gripped me before he looked up at Katashi "that's his younger brother, isn't he?"he asked.
I nodded my head slowly "it is, but I don't think katashi has a advantage against him.."
Kakuzu growled lowly under his breath before grabbing my hand "let's stay away from the battle."
I knew what was going to be happening and so did Kakuzu, he didn't seem to be worried about the fact that his partner was going to be fighting, but that was also what Shikamaru had said about him, too.
But I knew that this was going to be a crazy battle, I was worried.
Short chapter! And a early chapter xD, like I said Kuzu is going to be a lot more different then in the Manga or show. Also another thing! This is the first battle against Katashi and Hidan.
There will be another Battle, and Shikamaru will not be putting Hidan underground! Nor will Kakuzu be killed by Naruto, after the death of Asuma!
Also another thing! Hidan may convince Kuzu to leave the Akatsuki...Maybe, depends on how the fight goes and what else goes on! Also Sakura will one day see Kakuzu's true form and even what he looks like under the mask and his cloak! Stay tunned!
Warning! The next chapter is with fighting...I am not good at doing fight beware of how horrible it is!

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