Chapter 6

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Me and Sonic are currently walking into he forest. He said he'll show me something. There was also Silver on my side. I didn't see everyone except for Silver and Sonic

"We're here"Sonic grinned

I looked at the surroundings. My face showing an amazed expression. This spot was nice. It has a trees with fruits,the chaos like Cheese flying, flowers, and a nice green grass

I saw everyone with a table and a food. Rouge and Amy are busy preparing, Cream and Cheese playing together, there also Shadow and the others. We walked towards them. Miss Vanilla noticed us and gave us a smile

I smiled back. Sonic quickly run into the table with his incredible speed. He was holding what it seems like a hotdog (?)

"Here. These are chilidogs. Trust me, these are delicious"Sonic said giving me one

Sonic ate the whole making me chuckle. I took a bite

"It taste really good"I said now eating it

"Sure it is! That's why it's my favorite!"Sonic gave me a thumbs up before eating another one

I see Cream and Cheese playing a tea party. Cream stood up from her seat and walked towards me

"Miss (Y/N)? Can you play with us?"Cream asked sweetly

"Uh..Sure"I nodded heading to their table

It's not like I have anything better to do. Everyone seems to be busy

She poured an imaginary tea in a cup and hand it to me. I thanked her and 'sip' it. She gave one to Cheese. We talked. Honestly, she was pretty entertaining. I enjoyed myself a lot. Cream's good at making company. Not even running out of topic to talk to.

Even though I didn't interact and talk to others that much (on my world), I found it stunning that I can go along with her.

"(Y/N), it's time to eat. Cream, you can play your tea party with (Y/N) and Cheese after we eat, okay?" Miss Vanilla smiled at us

"Yes mommy!" Cream cheerfully got up from her chair with Cheese following them

I didn't see Mephiles here. Silver handed me a plate. He's such a gentleman. Sonic gave me another chili dog. I started to get my food.When I was done, I sat in a chair between Silver and Rouge. Knuckles handed me a the orange juice

Why these guys are quite a gentlemen? I was shocked to see Shadow was here. But not in an offending way. I watched him stood up. I assumed he was finished eating. Or had he even eaten?

I took a bite of a cake

"Is it good? Dear?"Rouge asked 

"Yep" I said taking another bite

"Glad you like it. Me and Amy made it. "She said winking at me

These two girls I guess have an amazing skills in kitchen?

I saw Silver picking an apple with a glowing cyan light in his hand and so does the apple.

What was that called again?

Ah, telekinesis, was it? I remembered our teacher discussing this to us. But I don't remember how it got into that topic though

This is what I was telling you. That they're all magical here. First, Sonic having an extraordinary speed. Second, Shadow teleporting away from us. And now this? Silver using telekinesis, which in our world was thought that this power is a false topic?

What next? I think I might have an idea of Rouge's power. Maybe she can control bats?

When I finished my food I stood up. Silver gave me the apple he picked earlier. Shadow was standing beside me. I slightly gulped. But he didn't mind my presence

"Wow! Shads sure is a fast eater!"Sonic teased playfully elbowing the glaring hedgehog

Shadow merely grunted and rolled his eyes showing his irritation

"Just kidding! But hey, maybe someday you're going to be fun like me! Will be nice, and won't be as grumpy as usual anymore "Sonic said getting closer to Shadow

Shadow smacked Sonic

"In your dreams faker. I would never be as idiotic as you"He said walking away

"I was just kidding" Sonic said groaning at the pain rubbing his head

I helped Sonic got up

"Sorry. I can't help" I said before Sonic took my hand

"I-it's fine! Me and Shadow are like that everyday. You know, the best friend kind of thingy"He chuckled

I looked at everyone. Silver was calming Shadow down. Miss Vanilla came over me and gave me a smile

"Did you enjoy yourself today?"She asked

"Y-yes. Th-Thank you"I said

It was fun here. I found myself getting comfortable. More comfortable

Me, Rouge and Amy started playing   'Truth or Dare'. As what happened like earlier, Sonic and Shadow are fighting again, and there is Silver stopping them

I found myself smiling and laughing this day. An actual smile and laugh. At least here, my happiness is real

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