Ⅶ. ᴇᴘɪʟᴏɢᴜᴇ

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The Director's footsteps echoed throughout the otherwise desolate hallway as he approached the secure area known as S.H.I.E.L.D's warehouse.

Upon reaching the entrance, he tapped the alarm system secured to the wall a few times, entering his credentials and allowing the door to slide open. He stepped inside the large building and once he was near the middle, started speaking.

"One hell of a gutsy move, organising this meeting on S.H.I.E.L.D property," he called out, voice booming across the void, "Someone coulda spotted you."

The figure to which he was speaking emerged from the shadows with a shrug, indicating that they didn't really care.

Fury cocked one brow and scoffed. "You look pretty good for someone who's dead."

"Yeah, well," Brendon exhaled and walked closer to his boss, "It's amazing what being blown up does for your skin."

Brendon allowed The Director to chuckle at his joke before he spoke again, this time with an exceptionally serious tone, and concern written all over his face.

"How is she?"

"How would you be?" Fury sighed. "She's dealing, in her own way. Been throwing herself into figuring out her abilities and all that, which is good." Another amused scoff left The Director's mouth as he looked at the ground. "But she's hell bent on avenging your death. Wants to rip all of Hydra to shreds."

Brendon's lips twitched upwards slightly. "Sounds like you're gonna have your hands full."

Fury's face dropped as he glared at Brendon. "Yeah, dealing with the shit you caused. I'm telling you, you better be sure that you did the right thing and you better hope that what you're planning works out, cause if it don't..." he trailed off and shook his head, widening his eyes.

"I wouldn't have done this if I wasn't sure my leads were legit, and I," he paused for a moment, looking up, "I wouldn't have left her if I didn't need to."

The older man nodded in understanding. "You don't have to tell me that; I know."

"Yeah, but does she?"

Fury shrugged and threw his hands up. "I might know everything about everything, but whatever the hell is going on between you and her is the one and only exception to that. All I can say is: your return better be wonderful as all hell."

Brendon snorted and rolled his eyes. "So, no pressure, then."

"Oh, absolutely none at all."

The agent shook his head and laughed lightly before using his eyes to gesture at the package in The Director's hand. "That's it?"

"ID, passport, credit cards..." Fury rattled off, handing over the brown paper package, "Everything you need. From here on out, to anyone who crosses your path, you're Mr Scott Brady."

"I don't look like a Scott."

"You don't look dead either, but you are."

"Fair enough," Brendon gave a half-smirk and pocketed the package, "Thank you, sir. I really appreciate it."

"Anything for my best agent," Fury bowed his head before snapping his fingers, "Which reminds me... I have something else for you."

Brendon narrowed his eyes in perplexity as he watched The Director turn to face one of the side garage doors before he followed suit.

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