That's a Long Story

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"Hey, Dean. Is this a bad time?"

I could only stare at him. It had been years, but here he was. How? How was he standing here like nothing happened between us? Like nothing happened to him.

Cas looked past me then down at his feet. "I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry. I- I'll just go-"

I grabbed his wrist to stop him. "No, don't go anywhere. Please, just-" I turned when I heard the floorboards creak behind me.

"Dean, is everything okay? Who's- Is that... Castiel?"


"I thought he was dead. You told me he died."

Cas tried to pull his wrist from my hand. I turned back to him, begging him to wait. "Dean, I shouldn't be here. I've already made a mess of your life again. I'm just going to go home."

"No. Please, just stay long enough for us to talk. After that... If you want to leave, you can. I won't try to stop you."

Lisa tapped her foot on the tile. "Dean, could we talk?"

"I'll meet you in the bedroom, Lis. Give me one minute." She sighed, but she nodded and walked down the hall to our room.

I pulled Cas into a hug, surprising him enough for him to let out a squeak. He wrapped his arms around me quick enough, though. "I missed you so much, Cas," I told him, mumbling into his shoulder. His sweater smelled like  cologne, but a layer of chemicals hid just under it, like he tried to cover up the smell of a hospital with the fragrance. "I never thought I'd see you again. Why are you here? How are you here?"

Cas backed away from me. "That's a long story."

"Then you can tell me in the morning. We have a guest room down that hall. Stay here, then you can tell me what happened tomorrow."

"I don't think your girlfriend would like that."

"Lisa will be fine. Please stay here." I took his hands, and he hesitated.

Then, he sighed with a shy smile. "Alright. One night."

"Let me show you to your room, then." When he settled in, I started to leave, only being stopped by Cas at the door.

"Thank you, Dean. I hope I haven't just ruined things for you and Lisa."

"You haven't ruined anything." There was so much I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't bring myself to be honest with him. "Goodnight, Cas," was all I said.

I had a smile toying at my lips, but the look on Lisa's face wiped it away the moment I saw her. She was waiting for me, standing with her arms crossed at the end of the bed. She scowled at me, obviously pissed off. "What the fuck, Dean?"


"No, don't even try that. You told me he was dead. You told me he committed suicide, but he was just at our front door. So, did you lie to me so I would feel sorry for you? Did you just want to make me feel like a bitch? What was it, Dean? Why lie about something like this?"

"I didn't, Lisa." I tried to take her hands, but she pulled them away.

"You didn't lie that your boyfriend was dead? The same boyfriend who I just saw?"

I sat down and waited for Lisa to do the same. She didn't. She continued to stand, looking down at me with her arms still folded over her chest. I sighed at how stubborn she was being, but I kept talking. "Cas did commit suicide. At least, I thought he did. He tried but was saved by a really terrible man who..." I trailed off, hoping that would be enough of an explanation.

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