Another story idea

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But from a dream I had last night! And it's much better than the Adventures of Reaper and Blackie

I had this dream of a school field trip, of some sorts. I was a different person, and my best friend was this boy in a blue t-shirt, and there were some bullies there on the bus, mostly a broad guy with a red-orange shirt

Anyway, we exited the bus and the teacher said something about this field, and how it is well known because it's the biggest field that ever contains this special sort of fruit. Not sure what the property of the tree/fruit was, but a lot of us were impressed.

Then she got out this neat looking scythe, and placed it on the ground, and I remember her saying:

"This scythe is powerful enough to reap [the fruits of] the tree! We can go on a bit of a scavenger hunt and find the tree, but only one of you guys can reap the fruit."

Now, of course, being little third to fifth graders, the kids fought over it. In the fray, I snuck over and picked it up. I walked over to a hedge nearby, and the scythe magical cut through it.

I turn to look at the other as students, who glared greedily at the stuff. The Bully (I'll just call him that, guy with red shirt) stepped forward and told me "Hand it over, missy."

I run through the hedge and onto the field. I kept running as I was chased across desert-looking terrain of the field. My Best friend was closest to me. I had to, for some reason, cut through a shorter tree to pass it, and my Beat friend held my hand and guided it to cut the small branches. People short on our heels, I let him on my back, and he held the scythe as I ran, cutting things.

He eventually jumped off (giving me the scythe) and ran ahead, jumping a fence. I jumped it too, and we continued with the class a little further behind.

We made some safe ground, but we had to climb a fence that was made of barbed wire to go across the field. (It was square, dream logic said I had to go over, not around.)

My Best friend climbed with ease, but I didn't. I struggled to get a grip that wasn't piercing my hand, dripping blood.

The class became closer, and eventually, surrounded the square. The Bully was in the square, standing between me and my friend, not letting my friend help me.

I called to him, begging him to help me get over this fence. I was on the top, but I couldn't swing over, I was too heavy.

So my Best friend pretty much nuked the Bully, and helped me over. We ran across the field, the class screaming Bloody Mary for all I know, and I managed to outrun the Bully.

Until I got to the other side, and slide past the fence. I ran for a little while, and looked back. My Best friend was a head of me again, but the Bully stood between me and him, and was apparently holding another one of my friends.

"Give me the scythe," Said the Bully, pretty much strangling my friend. At this point, it was more of a nightmare than a dream.

I rushed forward with the scythe, and used it on the Bully. It cut his shirt across his chest, but he took no visible damage as my other friend ran for safety.

And so, with that, I ran into the far awah woods to find the tree eith my Best Friend.

We fast forwarded it a bit, and was on top of some sort of mountainous terrain. It had a steep slope that seemed to go on forever.

There was a big log next to me, and so, using the magical scythe, I chopped it into a little two seater, for me and Best friend.

He sat in it just as the class caught up. Bully, now furious, rushes towards me.

I screamed something at them, and the class became frozen in fear, but Bully remained fully animate.

I jumped onto the log, and pushed it down the hill with my scythe. Basically sledding, and avoiding large rocks.
After that, I woke up.

Such a weird dream that I remember from last night, and it's do whacky that it seems too good to be true...

But it seems like a perfect story.

A perfect backstory, for a character I have yet to even write about.

Ladies gentlemen, and non-identifiable, introducing the backstory for, quite possibly, a new Death Spirit.

One I shall name Mary.

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