(Rant) fuck me with a chainsaw, PLEASE

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in january

i was supposed to do a speedpaint

and almost half of the footage got corrupted.

so there are big chunks of blank in the middle.

I said to myself

"ok, thats fine, we can make it up in februrary"

so i made a beautiful picture today

made sure it was recording and everything

always checked to make sure it was recording

I saw it recording

I finished recording

I go to start editing

and guess what?

guess - fucking - what?

the footage is gone.

All of it.

From beginning to end, which I did in one big session.




And it's not in the trash can

i saw where the output is

in the Video folder

I checked there for the past hour, refreshing

I made test videos, which showed up

but not my speedpaint

I'm going to murder this computer


I worked really hard on this picture

And now

all the footage and evidence

down the drain

I feel like I'm done with art. OR AT LEAST my speedpaints

because none of them want to be recorded

and none of them want to be edited

two of them dont even want to be found

and existance is a pain

So now, by yours truly:

I'm so stressed and sunlight hurts, I am gods MISTAKE

I don't even want to bother, I am so fuck-in done.

With corruption here-

Missing videos there-

Anxiety, frustration, and endless vents everywhere

I think i should just give up

Unless I find a plan

Now for me to slam my face into my pillow and scream to the void, picture will soon be up in my artbook, and hopefully I'll manage to put the scraps of the speedpaint together well enough to be in a video.

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