weird dream, tw: drug and alcocohol abuse, death mention

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This was a very long dream, I only remember the last third of it clearly, but I remember the whole thing.

There was an action going on, for whatever reason the leader was assassinated. For the most part, all my family wanted to do is vacation. So me, my family including my uncle, aunt, and cousins, were packing up as if to go to the beach. However, as me and my dad was driving ahead (we were getting late, and apparently had to set up the area before everyone arrives), I realize I forgot my sketchbook. After that, there was a shift. I changed POV.

I was back in the house, searching for my sketchbook, while helping my cousin find theirs. Later on, as we eventually found that, and some sunglasses, I fell into a was an empty pool, around 20 feet deep. I fell but didnt take any damage. I looked at all the dead floaties in the water.
From there, everything was blurry, until a certain point:

I was back in my body, really, and my house was chaos. Relatives I didnt know of and friends were all now seemingly interested in the election. And the election literally chooses anyone in the world magically. They're waiting for it to choose.
I was organising a mess that was made in the office, papers fell everywhere, when suddenly I got a text from an odd number. I showed it to my mother, to which she complained about her dad trying to take our money. I left my phone on the table, then she called my dad to block the number. He did that, but I snuck my phone back, and looked over the texts. It was a lot of generic junk about the election, but one I prominently remember: "Do I need an Umbrella or a Basket."

Shortly after, I hear my dad and grandpa and uncle arguing about who should be president. My grandpa grinned, and walked over to me, and pointed at me, "You should be president. She got the knacks."

Suddenly, I was president. And a small creature that I assumed was pikachu. And I was so, so small. I was recrowned as a "private president."

Then I guess sans (or a skeleton) appeared, and was claimed to be the "official" standing president, unless I stood up to them.

I somehow got an assistant that looked like a fox person, and they were ecstatic working with me, thinking ahead in every way. They thought to bring a coffin for a coffee table for the lounge room, which was now the council room. "It symbolizes the death that other presidents faced." Said the assistant.

Then the skeleton got queasy, and kept moving constantly, "We dont want to get shot, or killed. Especially by a type O assasination."

Both me and the assistant was confused by that, the skeleton looked distraught, and headed downstairs. My body decided hiding in my room was fine, but then my dad yelled at me to get out so I could help him with the coffin.

I took the assistant's POV. This is when things get triggering. Drug and alcohol abuse mention.

Skip the bolded text if it makes you uncomfortable






||The skeleton ransacked  a pill drawer, and took two gelatin pills that look like candy. It concerned me, the assistant. "Wont you get overdose from that?"
The skeleton remained silent, and suddenly, I had those pills in my mouth. They were bitter sweet, like butterscotch, but so, so sticky. I couldnt even chew right, it glued most of my mouth shut.Somehow, I manage to say, "Well, at least you eont have to worry about overdose!"
The skeleton took a glance behind him, to a bottle of Jack Daniel's standing upright, and went after it.
I was still trying to clear my mouth, but it seems as if every time I tried to take it out of my mouth, it gets harder to open it, and eventually, I was struggling for air, but not strangled. It was torture. No one helped me. I couldnt say anything.||

The last of my dream shifts place with two lion Cubs fighting, well, pulling away, because one has a very sticky substance, and is stuck to the other. The rest of the nature cube's pride arrives.

"Are you arlight?" They ask the natureclub, who pulled free from the sticky torture. "Who is that?"
The stranger cub struggled in the tall grass, entire pride looming down on them. They seemed concerned. Pitying.

The stranger cub made no moves to introduce themselves. "Whatever you want me to be."

Then I woke up.

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