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So if anyone hasn't known (which literally only like 5 or so people know and 2 know more about it) I've made a new dimension over winter break.

And it's called Alterine.

And it's not necessarily in par of Musiphan's story line at the moment, I'm working on the main characters that are, well, in general, important for the story later on.

At first, I felt like I was just sloppily meshing things together. And it was! Mostly because I only focused like a couple of weeks of work into it instead of making new magic rules and world rules.

But that's not the point of my stuff today: because my point is, now that I think about it, Galie would fucking freak if he saw an eldritch being.

So I just imagined hes like, in his caves or something, and this abomination (mordeo), who has many more mouths than he does, just charging from the darkness.

"Is that a shadow? What is this shi- THE LOVE OF VO WHATTHEHELLISTHAT-"

Even worse if hes trying to attack back, "Its just a shadow with many mouths, it doesn't like light magic." *proceeds to attack with light based magic* "HOW IS IT ABSORBING THE BLASTS, I QUIT!!!"

Furthermore, Muvaek would not only be upset by the fact that he is seemingly immune to dark and light magic, he just looks like any other fucking shadow

I am so glad that Mordeo is not a villain. He can wreck shit, he knows he can, and he is always hungry. (And murderous, but mostly hungry. Give him a piece of cake and he may leave you alone for a few minutes.)

Why the fuck would I name him consume if he wasnt???

Nor to say that he isnt a villain to some...

Either way, new morally grey characters, grey magic, and the image of Galie and Muvaek panicking over this new nuciance.

Bonus: Jack and friends being there at the same time, and both hold a temporary alliance because no one wants to face the wrath of Grandma. You thought Mordeo was tough. Wait until you have an elderly being who can rip you in half.

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