Oh LORD, Cole: Dragon Age edition (I wake up to demons singing)

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Remember how I said I loved Cole till my dying days?

A reminder to you guys that Cole is a spirit/demon that can sense other people's pain and fear, but also their desire. And he has more broken sentences than me in school.

Yeah I love him more. Here's a conversational piece you get (when walking around, doing nothing, not in battle) with him and some others.


Bull: Hey Cole! Quick! What number am I thinking of?

Cole: Raw and hot. Trying to open it, but just darkness. How bad, how bad? No, done now. No sense of worrying. The man they hurts coughs, shaking, but sits up. Eyes wide. No, not a man,  a woman- clothes torn. *his voice goes like five octaves lower to copy Bull* You're safe now, I'm Iron Bull. What do you want me to call you?

Party: .....

Bull: Twelve...the number I was thinking of was Twelve.

Bull: *in a pouting voice* Demon interrogators. Stupid idea anyway.


he also really loves to make no sense. But he loves helping people.

Other times I secretly wonder if he's a fanfic writer because of the way he describes...um, some "inmate scenes" of others. Nothing graphic, just the mention of it.

By the way, the Inquisitor is the player.


Cole: She almost says the word sometimes. Katoh. She tastes it in her mouth, sweet release a breath's away. Tongue tying it tenderly, like you did her.

Bull: Uh...

Cole: But she doesn't for you, and for her. Because it makes it mean more. A fuller feeling, a brighter burst...

Bull: *clears throat* Y-yeah, uh...how does she feel about you saying this in front of everyone?

okay so there are like, three things you could have chosen to said. I chose mortified.

Inquisitor: If a rift opened right now and swallowed me, I would be fine with that.

Solas: *snorts* Provided it tied you down first, one assumes.


Cole can be innocent but also very dirty. He's amazing I love him.

Moving on from amazing demons, I hate despair demons all my life now. Screw their Godzilla death-ray of ice, they are dead to me.

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