Chapter 9

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Ami's POV

A Few Weeks Later

I stand at the gate of the Leaf Village, nervous.

What if they don't like me? What if I don't fit in? What if

'That's enough what ifs, Kakashi invited you to live in the Leaf Village to get to know your homeland better and to make actual friends and have a new start. Your Uncle seems pretty mad at you for fighting against him, so you took this chance because you didn't want to deal with his anger anymore'

That's true, but

'Just walk inside'

I bite my lip and I walk into the Leaf Village.

"Who are you?" The guards ask me.

I freak out mentally.

'Calm down, just tell them your name and that your here to see the new Hokage' Cece says to me.

"My name is Ami Namikaze-Uzumaki, I'm here to see Kakashi." I say and the guards fall out of their chairs.

"Say what?" One asks.

"Are you ok? Sorry, did I surprise you?" I ask and they both nod for both questions.

'Get a hold of yourself woman.' Cece mentally slaps me.

That hurt

'Good, now stop being so nervous and just walk to the damn Hokage Office and knock'

Your so mean

'Your not a child!' Cece yells at me.

I walk to the Hokage building while people give me stares, a lot of stares and a few people whisper about me.

This is so nerve wracking.

I walk up the Hokage steps and I knock on the office door hesitantly.

"Come in."

I walk in and Kakashi looks up and see's me, I can feel his shock.

I look away embarrassed. "You sent a letter inviting me to stay at the Leaf." I say and Kakashi falls out of his chair at my embarrassed tone.

"You have other emotions." Kakashi says slightly shocked.

"Of course I do, I'm a human." I say to him, slightly annoyed.

"I didn't think you'd take up the offer, you seemed to like it in the Cloud Village. It was Naruto and Sakura who urged me to send the letter, they wanted to get to know you better." Kakashi says to me as he sits back in his chair.

"I took you guys up on the offer since Uncle is always angry at me now, only because I defied him and joined the war, I needed a fresh start anyways, the Cloud Villagers are acting like I'm a horrible Jinchuriki again and bad mouthing me, those bastards, I'll punch their teeth out when I get the chance." I say as my eye twitches slightly in embarrassment and annoyance.

"I see, well as a welcoming gift, I know you lost your old book so here." Kakashi says to me with a closed eyed smile as he holds out a book to me.

I look at it and I take the book. "Thanks, also, where is my brother?" I ask.

"He's getting his replacement arm put on." Kakashi says to me.

I nod and walk to the door. "Hospital, got it."

"Also, your a Jonin here, your Uncle sent a letter before you arrived to transfer your Jonin title." Kakashi says to me and I nod and walk out.

'You have to admit that was nice.'

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