Chapter 6

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You woke up that morning, having not moved at all in the middle of the night, with a large tattooed arm wrapped around your stomach. You were momentarily confused, until you saw Tyler's messy brown locks on your right side near your boob. His legs were intertwined with yours. He was pretty much on top of you, or as much your sore body would allow him to be.

Reaching for your phone, you checked to see how missed calls and messages you had from Anna and your Mom. Between the two of them, plus some other random notifications, there were 23 messages and calls. Deciding that your Mom would be the more calm and rational of the two, you dialed her number.

"(Y/N), honey, are you okay? What happened?" She answered, immediately.

"Mom, I'm fine. It was just a little accident, okay?" You whispered, trying not to wake Tyler up but, it was too late. He had shifted on his stomach, his head in his hands. He was taking his time waking up, leaning over slightly to glance at you, scanning your face to see if you were okay. "I just had to get stitches on my forehead, but don't worry we can cover it for the wedding."

"I don't care about how you look in the wedding." She started. "I do, I just care about you way more. I'm coming over-"

"Mom really it's okay." You interrupted. "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." As soon as you finished talking, Tyler got out of bed. He was only wearing his underwear. That's what he wore to bed? The million and one thoughts you had about Tyler and his choice of underwear were disrupted as your Mom started talking again.

"You may be a big girl, but you'll always be my baby, so, yes- I'm coming over." She said. You gave in, not protesting any further and before you hung up you made sure to tell her to pass on the news to Anna. You would call her yourself, but your head was hurt and Anna would just multiply that tenfold.

A few minutes later Tyler reappeared, a tray in his hand. A tray that you didn't even know that you owned, so that was good. You gave him a confused look as he walked into your room, still only wearing dark gray boxer briefs. You cursed his parents or God or really whoever was to blame for making a man who could look that handsome so early in the morning.

"I brought you breakfast." He smiled. You looked at the tray, before turning your head to look at him. "A lightly toasted bagel with strawberry cream cheese and decaf coffee because your doctor told you not to have caffeine while on your pain meds, which I also brought." He said holding them out for you in the palm of him hand. "Also, while you eat that, I'm going to go to CVS real quick and grab your prescription because it should be ready by now and that will also give you some alone time with your Mom."

You smiled and thanked him, taking the pills with the water he had left by your bedside table last night that you had never actually opened. He turned to go the bathroom to get dressed, but you stopped him.

"Hey T, if you don't want to wear the clothes you were wearing last night, there's a pile of stuff you've left here over the years in the closet."

He turned instantly and smiled. "You called me T."

You gave him a confused look. "Yeah, and your point?"

"You haven't called me T in months." He said, still smiling.

"Oh." You immediately got flustered.

"Don't freak out, it's a good thing."

You gave him a light smile as he walked away into your closet to rummage through the pile of clothes that had been left at your house over the years. As he walked into the bathroom to shower, you spent your time clutching your coffee mug and overthinking everything.

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