Chapter 12

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Bliss. That was the word you were using to describe your life right now. It was pure bliss. You and Tyler had only been together, officially, for a week but still, it was perfect.

Everything just clicked, and it made your relationship easy. Which, made it that much harder to feel the clock in the back of your head, ticking, almost as if the two of you were running out of time or something. It was a voice in the back of your head and no matter how hard you tried to ignore it, it was still there.

Trying to distract yourself from all of thoughts swirling in your head, you, quietly climbed out of bed, untangling yourself from Tyler's grasp as you did. Slipping on an old dress shirt of his, that was thrown on the bench at the end of his bed, you tip toed out of the room.

"Good morning, beautiful." Tyler whispered in your ear as he snaked his arms around your stomach, causing you to jump at the sudden movement.

"Babe! You're not supposed to be down here!" You screamed, turning in his arms. "I was gonna bring this to you." You said, motioning to the coffee machine that was currently brewing his cup.

"Well, now you can bring it to me here." You gave a confused look, as what he said hadn't made sense but he quickly moved on from the topic. "My shirt?" He raised an eyebrow while his fingers played with the hem.

"I was trying to be sexy." You admitted.

"It's working." He whispered in your ear, on his way to the fridge to grab the half and half. "Anyways, what are you up to today?"

"I'm gonna go over and visit Anna. I haven't seen her since she got back form her honeymoon, so it'll be nice to catch up." He nodded at your response. "Are you going to workout today?" You asked, as you turned to look at Tyler.

"Yeah, it's my last workout here before I have to go home." You stared at him as he spoke, your face blank. Things were silent for a moment as both of you processed what it would mean when he left. You thought about what your days would look like without him, wondering how different they really would be. But above all, you wondered if the two of you would last.

"You know, you could come with me." He smiled. You smiled lightly, but it faded quickly. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." He whispered, as he wrapped you in his arms.

"I know." You exhaled.

"I'll call and text and face time you so much you'll be sick of me." You laughed lightly at his comment. Even though it wasn't possible, you would never be sick of Tyler. As you left the quick embrace, you quickly checked the clock, seeing how much time you had before you had to leave.

"I should go get ready." You sighed.

Tyler nodded. "Do you wanna go to that new Italian place for dinner?"

"Sure, just text me what time, and I'll meet you there." You said, before giving him a kiss, and watching him walk out the door. Your heart aching, like it was the last time.

Running up the stairs, Tyler's three labs trailing, you quickly showered before slipping on a sundress, the only outfit acceptable for Texas summer, and headed out the door.

The whole drive there you thought about the next forty-eight hours, aka the last time you would have to spend with Tyler in Dallas for the next three months. In some ways, you felt stupid for putting so much pressure to make them perfect, as if one, that could ever happen, and two because maybe it wasn't such a big deal that he was going away. And, sure you would visit him a few times, and he would come back down to Texas to see you and his friends, but you knew it wouldn't be the same, and then he would have to start the season and would barely ever be around. It would be a year of basically being in a long distance relationship, and you were doubting whether the two of you could make it work.

But, deep down you knew this was only worse case scenario and you had to get it out of your head, so you turned the radio all the way up and drove the rest fo the way to Anna's. You didn't even knock when you got to her house, you let yourself in, yelling her name so that she would know that you were there.

"I'm getting dressed, I'll be down in a minute!" She yelled back. You grabbed a water from her refrigerator and sat down on her navy blue living room couch. For someone who had never really even been to the East Coast her house screamed Cape Cod.

You had been texting Tyler but as Anna walked into the room you shoved your phone back into your pocket, not even bothering to lock it before doing so. She gave you a hug as she sat down on the opposite end of the couch.

"So how is married life?" You asked her, putting your feet up on her coffee table.

"Honestly, its not that different than non-married life." She laughed. "But, its good."

"Good." You nodded.

"Okay, spill." She whispered, moving closer to you on the couch.

"What the hell are you talking about?" You said, taking a sip of your water bottle.

"I need to hear everything about the wedding! I heard you got into a fight with Tyler and then slept with Jake."

"Who told you that?"

"That is so not what's important right now." She said as you rolled your eyes. "So you did sleep with him, though?"


"Jake!" She squealed.

"Yes." You said, trying to get her off of your case. Her mouth opened and her eyes got bigger as she looked at you, digging for details she would never get. "Oh my god, Anna. I literally can't even explain it." You said. "It's been an insane week and a half."

"But your with Tyler now, right?" She asked, trying to put together all of the pieces of your messy love life.

"Yeah. Its tough because he's about to leave for the summer, but I honestly think everything will be okay." You paused. "He sent me this picture of the dogs at the lake." You smiled, pulling out your phone to show the picture, but you were confused when you looked at your phone and saw Tyler's name on what looked like an ongoing call screen. What the fuck? You didn't call him. Then it hit you- you had butt dialed him and he had heard the whole conversation. Quickly, you moved the phone up to your ear. "Tyler?" You asked. It was silent for a second before the line went dead.


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