Chapter 13

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Panic set in as you realized what had just happened. Fuck. This. Is. Bad. He heard everything. There was no way this was ending well, you were sure of it.

"What's wrong?" Anna asked, trying to read your body language.

"I just butt dialed Tyler." You whispered.

"Oh, shit." She said. "How much did he hear?"

"I don't know."

Your eyes moved up from your phone to her as you tried to further assess the situation. You read the look on her face, and it was an understatement to say it was bad. After that, Anna tried to steer the conversation in a different direction talking about other things you hadn't even realized happened at the wedding, family, and more about her honeymoon. But, the whole time you were thinking about how much Tyler heard, or if he had even heard anything.

After you left, you raced to Tyler's house hoping to find him there, but when he wasn't you went to your house. Trying to occupy your time you went through your mail, paid your bills, and cleaned basically every room in your house. Partly, because ever since you and Tyler had gotten together you had practically moved in with Tyler, and everything was in need of a good cleaning. And, also, because you needed to stall until, it was time to get ready for your date. Which, hopefully you still had.

As you were on your knees, scrubbing your shower, you felt your phone, nestled in the back pocket of your jeans, vibrate. As you looked down, you saw that you had received a text from Tyler. You held your breath. It could either tell you what time to meet him at the restaurant, of it could tell you what time to get you stuff out of his house. As you quickly held your thumb to the home button, unlocking your phone, your heart raced. And, as you looked at the message, you were pleasantly surprised. It asked if you could meet him at seven thirty. Immediately, you typed back, "sure."

That got you thinking, maybe he didn't hear what you told Anna. There was a reason you hadn't told him. You knew it would just hurt him and you didn't see any reason for him knowing. The two of you weren't together at the time, so technically you had done nothing wrong. Right?

That was the thought you were going with for right now, as it was the only one that would allow you to keep your sanity for the next few hours. So, you took off the purple rubber gloves and put away all of the cleaning of supplies you had been using, washed your hands with the lavender soup you had just bought, because you loved the way it smelt and started to get ready. It was way earlier than you would have usually started getting ready, but tonight you wanted to look fantastic. The kind of beautiful that can take a guy's breath away.

Thankfully, you had the perfect dress. It was a dark blue, but not navy. The color that made your eyes pop. It hung just low enough that it left some things to the imagination, but, at the same time, wasn't too long. It hung just off your shoulders, showing them off, which was good because in your opinion, they were your best asset. And, while you usually wore heels with it, tonight, you decided to pair it with a pair of gold sandals, dressing it down just enough for the restaurant you were going to. The dress used to be Anna's but after she had met Chris she "retired" it, claiming that it had fulfilled its purpose and now it was for you to use. At the time you had rolled your eyes at your sister's lack of faith in you finding someone. But, you did have to admit, it was a hell of a dress. In fact, your best relationships were started when you were wearing it. And, right now, you needed it.

Keeping your hair and makeup simple, you checked your self over once more in the mirror. And, damn did you look good. Grabbing your keys and purse, you locked your door before driving to the restaurant. The whole way there, you thought positive things, trying to calm your nerves. You would know in the first five seconds of seeing Tyler if he knew. And, if he didn't you hadn't yet decided if you should tell him.

As you got out of the car, you saw him, mindlessly scrolling through his phone, simultaneously scanning the parking lot for you. When he saw you, his face lit up, an smile instantaneously appearing on his face.

"Hey." He said, taking a step closer to meet you.

"Hi." You smiled, as you finished walking to him. When you got there he kissed you sweetly. Before leading you into the restaurant. After the waiter had sat the two of you down and taken your drink orders the two of you started talking, catching each other up on your days.

"How was Anna's?" He asked, his eyes skimming the menu.

"Good, we just talked." You shrugged.

"What did you talk about?"

"Nothing, really." You said, ripping a piece of bread from the basket the waiter had set down in front of you and dipping it in the bowl of olive oil he had also brought.

"She didn't talk about the wedding or honeymoon or anything." You responded with shrug, growing suspicious at his mention of the wedding.

"So you didn't talk about how you slept with Jake at her wedding?" He asked so nonchalantly, not even bothering to pick his eyes up form the menu. Fuck. He knew. Inside, your started panicking, but outside, you were calm, cool, collected, and determined to not make a scene in this public restaurant.

"Can we not do this now, Tyler?" You whispered, leaning a bit to be closer to him. You couldn't tell why though, his demeanor was as relaxed as it usually was.

"Is there a better time for you to lie to me?" He asked, his eyes still grazing over the menu.

"I didn't lie to you." You said calmly.

"Well you didn't tell me the truth." He said finally looking you in the eyes.

"Honestly, I didn't think it was something I needed to tell you. Its not like we were together or anything. I didn't cheat on you." You said.

"I never said you cheated on me." He replied immediately, a certain edge in his voice. "You're supposed to be my best friend. We tell each other everything."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you and for the way you found out. But, I don't think I did anything wrong." You were standing your ground on this one.

"You don't get it." He shook his head, gripping the cloth napkin that was brought with his silverware.

"What don't I get?" You asked, genuinely.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mat at the situation. I mad with everything that's happened, ever since that night after the game." He said, his temper growing. He was waiting for you to respond, but when you didn't say anything, it set him over the edge. "You have no idea how much it sucks to watch the girl that your in love with practically mount a guy in front of you!" He practically yelled.

The eyes of the entire restaurant were on you, and not just because of who you were on a date with, although that didn't help. You didn't care though, you were too focused on what had just come out of Tylers mouth. Did he just say he loved you?

Your eyes jolted up as you looked into his as he folded the napkin, that he had been playing with while he was talking to you, back to its original form.

"Did you just say you love me?" You asked. Suddenly, Tyler's eyes went wide, realizing what he had just said.

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