A- Artist

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Percy sighs as he walks with Annabeth to a nearby cafe. His professor had told them that they needed to sketch someone that they haven't met before.

"To push your limits," he said, "so you aren't drawing the same people over and over again, I want you all to meet someone new, and draw them."

"It won't be that hard," Annabeth says next to him, bumping her shoulder with his, "That's why we're here. So you can scout the place for a victim." Percy huffs.

They walk into the cafe, Percy setting his book bag down at a table as Annabeth goes and orders for them both. He lets his head rest in his hand as he looks at the people in the cafe. No one really peaks his interest, so he sighs and puts his head on the table.

Soon, Annabeth is setting two coffee on the table, and Percy picks his head up.

"How long do you have to get this finished?" she asks.

"Two weeks," Percy replies, grabbing his coffee and taking a sip, "but finding someone is going to take forever." Annabeth hums over the rim of her coffee cup.

"You could just choose some random person," she suggested.

"I guess," Percy mumbles.

As if on cue, the door open to the cafe. Percy nearly chokes on his coffee when he sees the new comer, and Annabeth raises an eyebrow at him.

She turns, and she laughs when she sees the blonde guy.

"I think we've found your victim?" She teases, turning to give him an amused look.

"He is a god, Annabeth there is no way I'm going to ask to draw him." She shrugs, setting her coffee down as she stands up. Percy's eyes widen as she starts walking over to him.

"Annabeth wait," He stands, reaching out to grab her, but he misses. Instead, he groans, sitting back down, because he does want to draw the guy.

He watches as Annabeth starts talking to him, and when they guy's face goes red and he looks over at Percy, he feels his own face heat up and he puts his head on his arms, so he's resting on the table.

He wonders what Annabeth is saying. She wouldn't say anything embarrassing, right?

When he hears Annabeth sit down, he looks up. She's smiling, a bit smugly, and sips at her coffee.

"What did you say," he demands.

"I told him you were and art student that needed someone to draw," she shrugs.

"That's it?" He feels his shoulders relax.

"I might have said you think he's hot," Percy groans, putting his head back down, "But he's agreed to let you draw him. He's just buying a drink first."

"Why would you say that," Percy groans.

"Because it's true. His name is Jason, by the way."

Jason awkwardly walks up to them soon enough, and Percy straightens up.

"Hey," Jason says, "Um, I'm kind of-"

"Can I draw you?" Percy blurts, Annabeth snorts. Jason gives him a small smile.

"Yeah, but I'm kind of busy right now."

"That's fine. Uh, I can give you my phone number, and you can text me when you're free, is that okay?" Jason nods, and he takes his phone out of his pocket.

He hands it over to Percy after unlocking it, and Percy quickly puts his number in his contacts, double checking the number to make sure it's right. He hands the phone back to Jason, who smiles at him.

"See you later, Percy," he says as he waves, walking out of the cafe. Percy can't help as he watches him go with a soft, dopey smile.


This is cliché and I kind of hate how it turned out and it's a terrible way to start but the other chapters are better I promise (hopefully)


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