U- Umbrella

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Jason gasps as it suddenly starts pouring, thick droplets of water instantly blinding him as they blurred his glasses. He sighed, taking his glasses off, knowing he'd have a better a chance at seeing without them anyway.

He feels a hand touch his shoulder, and he jumps. Then, the rain isn't pouring down on him anymore, and he frowns, because the sound of rain is present, and he looks up. He sees a blur of bright blue, and when he looks over at the person that touched his shoulder, he has to squint.

"Sorry," he hears, a voice sheepish and warm, he can make out a pair of sea green eyes, but that's about it, "Uh, I just thought it wouldn't be safe for you to cross the street alone. I saw you take of your glasses and, uh, yeah."

"Oh," Jason says, taking his glasses out and wiping the water from the lenses, putting them back on, "yeah, thank you," he says, blushing when he sees the guy before him smile.

The guy, who Jason learned was Percy, walks him home, and they talk on the way there. Jason's disappointed when he sees his apartment complex and that Percy has to go, but he gets his number, a bright smile, and a promise of coffee in the near future.



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